
What is the long stone inside the kidney?

Kidney stones are a kind of urolithiasis, mostly in the hot summer formation, because the summer a lot of sweating, and even dehydration in the body, so that reduced urination, coupled with the summer exposure to sunlight for a long time, ultraviolet radiation skin helps the body of vitamin D And vitamin A synthesis increased, vitamin D and vitamin A can promote the small intestine to absorb calcium, urinary excretion of calcium increased urinary stones easy to produce crystal nuclei, thus forming stones. Winter weather is cold, the amount of urine increased, has formed a small stone washed by urine, down to move, this time caused by renal colic symptoms. Therefore, kidney stones often "summer formation of winter disease."

Most of the kidney stones are located in the renal pelvis, renal parenchymal stones rare. Plain film shows the kidney area with a single or multiple round, oval or obtuse triangular dense shadow, high density and uniformity. The edge of more smooth, but there are not smooth mulberry-like. In the renal pelvis calyx small stones can move with the position, the larger stones and the shape of its cavity consistent with the morphology, can be expressed as a typical antlers or coral-shaped. Sometimes stones can fill the entire renal pelvis and similar to the performance of pyelography. Lateral view, most of the kidney stones overlap with the spine.

main performance
1, the clinical manifestations of individual differences are large, determined by the cause of stones, composition, size, number, location, activity,
Whether the obstruction of infection and renal parenchymal pathological damage. Light can be completely without symptoms, severe can occur without urine, renal failure, toxic shock and death.

2, stones incarcerated in the ureteropelvic junction or ureteral decline, there may be renal colic, for the sudden onset of paroxysmal knife-like pain, severe pain, the patient was disturbed, the pain from the waist or side of the abdomen to the Under the radiation to the bladder area, genital and thigh medial, sometimes with sweating, nausea and vomiting.

3, due to stones on the mucosal injury heavier, it is often naring hematuria. Pain and hematuria are often induced when the patient is more active. Stones complicated by infection, the urine appears pus, urinary frequency, dysuria symptoms.

4, when secondary acute pyelonephritis or renal empyema, may have fever, chills, chills and other systemic symptoms. Bilateral upper urinary tract stones or kidney stones completely obstruction, can lead to anuria.

The cause of the formation
The main reason for the formation of kidney stones is diet. It is caused by the intake of the ingredients can be formed in the diet too much. A little more explanation is:

 Oxalic acid accumulated too much. The accumulation of oxalic acid in the body is one of the factors leading to kidney stones. Such as spinach, beans, grapes, cocoa, tea, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, bamboo shoots, etc. These people generally eat something, it is high foods containing oxalic acid. The doctor found that: 200 grams of spinach, containing 725.6 grams of oxalic acid, if one person will eat 200 grams of spinach all the time, 8 hours after eating, check the urinary oxalate excretion of 20 to 25 mg, equivalent to normal 24 hours Of the average amount of oxalic acid.

Purine metabolic disorders. Animal offal, seafood, peanuts, beans, spinach, etc., contain more purine ingredients. Purine into the body, to carry out the metabolism, it metabolized the final product is uric acid. Uric acid can promote urinary oxalate precipitation. If, too much consumption of purine-rich foods, purine metabolism and abnormal, oxalate deposition in the urine and the formation of urinary stones. Fat intake too much. All kinds of animal meat, especially fat pork, are fat and more food. Eat more fat in the body will increase, the fat will reduce the intestine can be combined with calcium, which caused increased absorption of oxalate, if the excretion of functional failure, such as sweating more, less water, less urine, kidney stones It is likely to be formed in this case. So, doctors often say, in order to prevent the stone disease, hot days to drink plenty of water, eat more oil and water, but also drink plenty of water to promote the flow of urine, dilute the urine composition, to reduce the stones danger.

Increased sugar content. Sugar is an important nutrient of the human body, to regular supplement, but all of a sudden increase too much, especially lactose, stone formation will create conditions. Experts found that: regardless of normal or stone patients, after eating 100 grams of sucrose, 2 hours to check their urine, found that urinary calcium and oxalate concentrations are increased, if taking lactose, it can promote the absorption of calcium, More likely to lead to calcium oxalate accumulation in the body and the formation of urinary stones.

Excessive protein. Analysis of the composition of kidney stones and found that calculus in the calcium oxalate accounted for 87.5%. Such a large proportion of the source of calcium oxalate is because the protein in addition to oxalic acid containing raw materials - glycine, hydroxyproline, the protein can promote the intestinal function of calcium absorption. If you often eat too high protein foods, so that the kidneys and urine calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid composition is generally increased. If not timely and effective through the kidney function of the excess calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid excreted, so that kidney stones, ureteral stone disease conditions formed. The main reason for the increased incidence of kidney stones in today's world economy is that.

Treatment measures
1. symptomatic treatment: antispasmodic, analgesic, rehydration, anti-inflammatory, traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
2. row of stone treatment: stone diameter <1.0 cm, renal function is good, no infection, short duration, can be active patients.
3. dissolving stone treatment: taking drugs, a lot of water, adjust the urine ph value, control diet and other methods. Suitable for uric acid and cystine stones.
4. In vitro shock wave lithotripsy.
5. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, lithotripsy.
6. Surgical treatment: According to different conditions selected renal pelvic incision lithotripsy, renal parenchymal incision lithotomy, partial nephrectomy, nephrectomy, renal fistula and renal incision in vitro surgery.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



