
So sleep can even kidney essence

Work pressure led to renal overdraft, how kidney has become a hot topic of discussion. There are many ways to kidney, such as sleeping kidney or diet kidney and so on. The kidney raised, in order to vibrant every day vigorous spirit. Want to know what to eat kidney and kidney food? Let's take a look at it.
Ancient Chinese medicine, sleep kidney the most surprising, but must know how to have to pay attention to the matter before they can receive its wonderful. How to sleep the most kidney it?

2 ways the most kidney
1. still sunny.
2. Mixing.

Practice these two methods of attention
1. still sunny
The body naturally flat, hip relaxation, legs like ring, two feet relative, the heel is best against the perineum (if you can withstand the best perine) hands on the thigh near the heart, palm toward the abdomen.
Supine As the implanted area is large, the oppression is small and the body is easier to relax.
Relax with the body with a certain position, you can quickly put yang and kidney qi filled up.
Kidney yang is equivalent to the real door of the fire - a vital size is the key to see the door of the yang is sufficient.
Put this posture, that is, in order to more conducive to the kidney yang enough this type of kidney effect is obvious.

2. Mixing
To also raise the level of lying and then raise the level of practice is mixed with no lying - supine, feet relative, legs like a ring, hands overlap or cross gently on the head, palm against the head lily.
This position can both kidney qi and can relax the head, the insomnia, neurasthenia have a better therapeutic effect.
Above the arms surrounded by a circle, you can make the kidney does not go to the genitals, but pulled the depths of Zhongwan.
The following legs surrounded by a circle, is conducive to the whole body along the blood circulation to the body of the body.

These two postures, will be tightened by the liver and kidney, play the liver and kidney by the exercise.
Loosen the front hips is a good practice is still lying on the premise of lying and mixed. Before the hip is not loose, "lying" time can not be lasting, it is not easy to static.

In order to more quickly loose hip, generally put lying position, you can first put his hands on the inside of the knees, gently push about what push.

Insist on practicing for some time before the hip hip joints will be released - two knees can be flat on the bed. At this time, in the state of sleep, posture is also easy to deformation.

The initial use of these two positions to sleep, may not release the front hips, then you can take two knees or blanket way to the transition.

But also the sun lying and mixed with the role of the kidney because of the strong, nap at night to make the immune system increased, afternoon is 11 am to 1 pm, this time the sun the most violent.

According to legend, then yang reached the limit, chi will produce, so at this time to take a nap, will make your immunity greatly increased.

Social competition, the accelerated pace of life, making a lot of people work hard, no time to take into account lunch break.
In fact, after a morning of work and study, the human body more energy consumption, lunch after a nap can effectively compensate for human brain, physical consumption, for health is of great benefit.

From the physiological point of view, the excitement of human brain cells can generally last 4 to 5 hours, then will be transferred to the state of inhibition.
Especially after lunch, the blood supply to the digestive tract increased significantly, the brain's blood supply was significantly reduced, resulting in blood flow into the brain with oxygen and nutrients are correspondingly reduced.

So the body of the biological clock appears a sleep rhythm that people have a lack of energy, sleepy feeling.
At this point, the body needs to be adjusted for a short time to eliminate fatigue, restore physical strength, stability, nervous system function balance.

"Nap" is the most recommended experts, "healthy living habits", not only can greatly enhance the immune system, but also quickly dissipated, so that the mood and energy on the good plus.

Spain's shop, every 2:30 pm to be closed until 5 o'clock in the evening and then open.
The original Spaniards to participate in the "universal nap sports", every day there are two and a half hours to let everyone take a nap.
In the United States, "learning nap" has become the latest fashion, many companies are expressly provided to encourage employees to nap in the afternoon, to boost the spirit, to cope with more work in the afternoon.

Afternoon nap 3 big benefits
1. higher immunity
Immunologists say that after lunch to help digestion, the body will automatically change by the parasympathetic lead, then sleep a short sleep, can be more effective to stimulate the body lymphocytes, enhance immune cell activity.

2. the heart is more powerful
Spanish medical research shows that 30 minutes a day nap, the hormone secretion in the body more balanced, the incidence of cardiovascular disease can also be reduced by 30%.

3. feel more comfortable
Harvard University psychologist wrote a report published in the latest Journal of Natural Neurology, which shows that nap in the afternoon can improve mood, reduce stress, relieve stress - the effect is like sleeping all night 8 hours).

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



