
The five symptoms of spleen deficiency are not unknown

What are the performance of spleen deficiency? Spleen, which in our life is a very common situation. Often there will be many people will appear spleen situation. That spleen when there is any performance? Spleen should be how to conditioning it? Spleen should eat what is good? Interested friends to look at it

Spleen deficiency of the performance of the five symptoms of spleen can not know
Spleen's performance
Although the spleen is very common, but still there are many people do not know the performance of spleen symptoms. Therefore, the following Xiaobian to come for everyone to answer.

First, the digestive tract: constipation or loose stools
From the digestive tract, the spleen caused by the disease are generally: loss of appetite, partial eclipse picky eaters; mouth tasteless; spleen food digestion and absorption plays a very important role, so almost all of the gastrointestinal diseases can occur or accompanied Spleen.

Spleen deficiency will be loose stools, but may also appear dry stool, constipation, because the spleen will lead to lack of power of the stomach.

Second, muscle: obesity or weight loss
Spleen pig muscle, should be when the spleen, people will appear the situation of fatigue, and sweat, shortness of breath. In addition there will be heavy eyelids or can not lift the situation, and easy to edema lower limbs.

The body is too thin, because the spleen can not transport, it is difficult to absorb. And obesity is because the spleen dampness, moisture is difficult to transport, silt in the body. Spleen wet obesity is often belly obesity.

Third, gynecological: leucorrhea too much or too little
Women because of gynecological inflammation, but also often cause severe spleen wet weight. Excessive leucorrhea, menstrual flow too much or too little may be caused by spleen. Menstrual flow is too small because of spleen deficiency caused by lack of blood, endometrial growth is too thin; menstrual flow is too much because the spleen can not fix the blood by the blood.

Fourth, sleep: drooling also due to spleen
Spleen people will appear memory loss symptoms, the other will feel the head Meng, poor quality of sleep. Many people sleep will drool, which is also related to the spleen. Chinese medicine believes that saliva (saliva) for the spleen of the liquid, under normal circumstances will not spill, when the spleen can not receive the body fluid, the emergence of sleep drooling phenomenon.

Five, self-examination: look at their own tongue
Spleen time, in addition to the above symptoms, the tongue is also a great symptom, such as the tongue side of the teeth is the performance of spleen.

How to conditioning the spleen
1, diet law
Diet on the spleen and stomach is the most important, three meals a day to regular diet, with particular attention to breakfast must eat. Porridge is the best keep the spleen breakfast, you can mainly millet, add jujube, yam and other spleen food. If the blood deficiency and then add black sesame seeds, peanuts; if the wet weight, can join the barley; if the sleep is not good, you can add sorghum rice.

2, bogey cold
Cold food to eat less, cold food also try to eat less, such as bitter gourd.

3, light diet
Usually eat bogey "fat sweet thick", too sweet, greasy, salty is not conducive to the transport of the spleen. It is best to eat light, good digestion, a variety of food. Seven meals a day full, do not overeating.

4, massage
Massage the abdomen to help regulate the spleen and stomach, to strengthen the transport. If the stool dry people, you can rub the stomach clockwise, if it is loose stools, you can counter-clockwise rubbing the stomach.

5, the law of rest
Usually have to pay attention to emotional adjustment, on time and rest, to develop the habit of taking a nap, you can qi and blood

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