
From hand to see healthy hands and feet cold spleen and lung deficiency

From the hand can be seen a person's health, such as cold hands and feet is the spleen and lung deficiency, weak blood performance; palm fever and Yin, blood deficiency related. Xiao Bian will explain how you look from the health, and symptomatic treatment, together to find out about it!

1, hands and feet cold: winter, many people will appear cold hands and feet, chills, cold situation, women are more common. Sometimes accompanied by fatigue fatigue, Yaoxisuanruan, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms. This may be spleen and lung deficiency, weak blood, triple burner is not smooth performance.

Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the source of blood and biochemical, spleen qi blood disorders, resulting in poor blood circulation of the body, poor cold resistance.
To improve this symptom, usually should eat more warm nature, with the role of warm spleen yang food, such as lamb, pork belly, red dates, longan, glutinous rice and so on. Recommend a ginger jujube soup, with Zisheng Sheng Jin, Qi and the effectiveness of the cold hands and feet to improve the effective.
In addition, to strengthen the exercise, to avoid sedentary or long standing; before going to bed with hot feet.

2, palms fever: some people often palms fever, and sometimes accompanied by upset irritability, insomnia, dizziness, eyes dry, two zygomatic flushing and other symptoms, which may be related to Yin, blood deficiency. Blood deficiency caused by the palm of the fever, the typical performance of the summer palm heat, cold hands and feet in winter, these patients should pay attention to nourishing blood.
Yin Yin, black sesame seeds, etc., do not eat warm and dry fruit, spices, such as lychee, durian, longan, pepper, cinnamon, etc., can be eaten more than nourishing yin, But also eat less fried foods and other high-fat, high-calorie foods.
In addition, but also to ensure adequate sleep, do not stay up all night.

3, hand sticks: Some people hand heart easily sweat, or even a day to the heart of the palm of your hand are sticky, and sometimes accompanied by the body Fanre, throat dry mouth and other symptoms. This may be the performance of heart and kidney yin deficiency. In the treatment, to Ziyin Yin, Yang Xin Yin, the same should eat more Ziyin food, such as black beans. To ensure adequate sleep. In addition, you can use rice vinegar heating water bubble hand foot bath, to improve this symptom is very effective.

4, hand trembling: hand shake a lot of reasons, some people in the spirit of tension, emotional or extreme fatigue, there will be trembling, once these factors to eliminate, hand shake will disappear. And some people will often trembling, eating, writing will be affected, this hand shake may be and thyroid disease, Parkinson's syndrome, cranial nerve and upper limb neuropathy and so on, not careless, should seek medical attention, symptomatic treatment. Eating broad beans, coffee, can effectively control the tremor.

5, hand Ma: cerebral arteriosclerosis will slow down the conduction velocity of the nerve, so that the brain of local blood supply, oxygen reduction, and the emergence of central dysfunction, may cause hand Ma. Hand, foot and numbness may also be caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Cervical spondylosis can also cause numbness.
Can do pinching neck movement: the right palm pinch the neck, forced upward, and then relax the palm of your hand, head and neck also restore the neutral position, and then force pinching, his head repeated 20 times, the left palm also with the same.

6, hand dry: Some people fall and winter hand easily from the skin, chapped, this is the performance of blood is not smooth. When the blood deficiency, the skin's lack of nutrients, sweat glands, sebaceous gland function affected, easy to dry skin. Especially in cold weather, limb peripheral blood circulation is more likely to be affected, resulting in insufficient blood transmission, skin resistance weakened, more prone to dry, chapped problem. Hands and feet dry patients in the daily diet, eat cold food, pay attention to qi and blood, such as eating longan jujube porridge, Angelica soup and so on. In addition, pay attention to skin care, do not be too frequent hand washing, excessive use of soap, after washing hands to apply hand cream.

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