
Nephritis Why do you want to hear the water?

I believe that many people have this feeling: whenever you see the water or hear the sound of water from the depths of the body filled with a strong urinary meaning, because "time-tested" is that this is not a coincidence, suspicious that they are wrong, so Quietly put this question into a search box, do not know do not know, a search scare, some brick home that this is the kidney performance, there are boards out of the Chinese medicine, some even say it is nephritis, urinary tract infection , The depth of the proposed investigation of the urinary system, that "this problem" really so serious?

First of all, we look at how a void is formed.
We all know that the urine is stored in the bladder, and when the bladder urine to a certain extent, the bladder pressure was increased, the bladder passive expansion of the bladder wall distraction receptors will be excited and excited, resulting in nerve impulses Sacral urinary urination center into the cerebral cortex caused by urine, and then the brain center to urge the bladder wall detrusor contraction, internal and external sphincter diastolic, will be stored in the bladder of urine discharge.

That is to say, "urinary intention" is the excitement of the distraction of the bladder wall, and whether it will really discharge urine, it is by the bladder wall detrusor contraction, internal and external sphincter diastolic co-deployment results. So, to be divided into "think" and "do" two parts.

Only "think" not "do": conditioned reflex / psychological hints
The sound of water sounds and pee itself is very close, and people's life in the toilet are accompanied by the sound of water: urinating, flushing the sound of the toilet, wash the sound of water, in the day after day, some vulnerable to psychological suggestion Of the crowd will be in the subconscious will pee and water flow closely linked, the result is to hear the sound of water will want to pee, especially after a certain age, the control weakened, the feeling will be more intense.

Adults to the children to the urine, will issue a "boo hush -" voice, but also to the child to establish this psychological implied system. Psychological hint is a very subtle phenomenon, and sometimes it is much greater than your influence on human behavior, such as hear the "plum", "lemon", see or think, will feel a burst of mouth water, This is also a conditional reflex.

If you want to deal with this conditional reflex, the method is also very simple, that is repeated practice, something nothing to open the tap to listen to, and even use the phone to record the sound, hear the sound of water to make every effort to hold back, or emptied after the bladder continue to listen , Found that "no urine can row," when you are accustomed to this voice, the reflex arc to fade or even disappear.

"Thought" also "done": urinary incontinence
Some people are not simply think about it, but really quietly pay the action, hear the water is difficult to self-control, if accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms may be suffering from urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is due to bladder sphincter injury or neurological dysfunction and loss of urinary self-control ability, so that urine involuntary outflow. Urinary incontinence can be divided into incontinence urinary incontinence, incontinent urinary incontinence, reflex urinary incontinence, urge incontinence and stress urinary incontinence. If suffering from urethral inflammation, but also on the control of urination have a lot of interference.

If you put on the urinary tract disease, it will not just just "hear the sound of water" after the situation is difficult to bother, and when you sneeze, cough, laugh, exercise, will feel bad, The Accompanied by daily urinary frequency, urgency and other symptoms, are prompting you, need to go to the hospital to take a look.

Urine in the end can not "hold back"?
Many people are meeting or busy, will ignore their own urine, that no longer bear forbearance, and more forbearance and tolerance of all right, waiting to go back to the toilet blew away, save a run back and forth time, but! Save such a little time, but may cause a big problem, a long time holding back urine, will cause urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, prostatitis, etc., really out of trouble, it will cause the above said urinary incontinence, then you want Hold back also hold back.

Urine has a lot of bacteria, urination process is also the process of urinary tract flushing. If it is repeated long-term holding back urine, but also lead to urine reflux.

Normal urination, urine is through the kidney to the bladder, and then from the urethra out of the body, and holding back the bladder after the pressure increased, when more than a certain intensity, some urine will return to the kidney, resulting in hydronephrosis.

Holding a long time, the bladder in a high tension state, a long time will affect the bladder muscle contraction capacity, causing bladder voiding dysfunction, and even cause irreparable loss, some on "holding urine caused by rupture of the bladder", " Of the news reports frequently into the public eye, it is to remind us, there are urine in a timely manner, do not hold back.

Even if only "underwater sound" harassment, leading to the nerve with you to open a small joke, but also the best obediently to the latrine Oh, do not "not out of a few drops" and discouraged.

The last question, how do we distinguish between urination and urinary frequency? What is the normal day of urination?
The number of urination is not equal to the frequency of urination, because a person's urination and drinking water, environmental climate and sweating and many other factors, people will be sick when the frequency, characterized by an increase in the number of times each time less.

An adult in the daily normal drinking water (2000ml or so) in the case of urination 5 to 6 times, 0 to 1 night, the amount of urination every day about 1000ml.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



