
Nephritis eat a lot of tonic is not desirable

Nephritis is a very common kind of kidney disease, suffering from nephritis is also very large crowd, so nephritis patients diet is also a lot of people concerned. So what about nephritis? Let's take a look at it.
Now more and more people suffering from nephritis, nephritis patients diet is also of concern. Then the daily diet should pay attention to what? Take a look at it

Nephritis should not be clear up

Acute, chronic nephritis, lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis, hypertensive nephritis, diabetic nephritis, pyelonephritis and other patients, the light can be without any symptoms, severe cases may have the risk of life. Motherland medicine that: nephritis is mainly due to damp heat or dampness lingering in the body, so there are a series of seemingly "virtual", is not true symptoms: limbs edema, sleepy sleepiness, stomach fullness, shortness of urine, Tongue greasy or greasy greasy.

Since the disease is not a virtual, nephritis treatment and diet should be "clear" should not "fill" the. If the nephritis patients think their backache, fatigue, appetite is not open, self-inductance is "virtual", and improper tonic ginseng, velvet, turtle and the like tonic, or eat high nutrition every day, high fat, Or drink some "tonic wine" and other products to help wet heat, can lead to the body of the hot and humid more heavy.

Nephritis treatment on the "clear", specifically can be divided into drugs "clear" and food "clear". In the medication, we are used for the pathological characteristics of damp heat intrinsic, commonly used Scutellaria, Rhizoma Imperatae, Coix Seed, Poria, Phellodendron, Plantago and so have the role of heat and water medicine. In the diet, we first asked the daily diet of patients with mild and peaceful, and also eat some of the therapeutic effect of nephritis food. The taste of these foods are mostly more peaceful, or cold, can be hot and humid or spleen dampness. Commonly used therapeutic methods are: ① 50 grams of corn every day to drink tea, or 30 grams of melon skin (or watermelon skin) Jiantang on behalf of the tea. ② with the amount of red bean, rice, black soybeans together porridge, or with shepherd's purse plus miren porridge, often taking. ③ black fish, carp soup beneficial water dehumidification effect, can eat. Boiled soup with the amount of red beans, rice and Poria, the effect will be better. Other beneficial to the nephritis patients also loofah soup, lotus porridge and so on.

In addition, nephritis patients sick for a long time, often accompanied by fatigue burnout, shortness of breath and other words "virtual" signs. At this point if the tongue coating is thin, good appetite, you can use Astragalus 10 grams, 10 grams of cornus, medlar 10 grams, 8 grams of lotus seeds, and 50 grams of ducks together with the soup. This side Qing Bu, taking appropriate is to enhance the physical. Of course, nephritis patients can tonic, how to make up, should be decided by the doctor.

What is the nephritis?

Suitable for nephritis to eat food

1, mushrooms

Mushrooms, nature, sweet, with the effect of qi and blood. Mushrooms contain special amino acids, can cause acute and chronic nephritis patients with significant decline in urinary protein, can treat a variety of kidney disease, and no side effects. Therefore, nephritis patients are particularly suitable for eating.

2, white fungus

White fungus, nature, sweet and light, with Zishen, lungs, Yangwei effect. According to the study, white fungus contains Tremella polysaccharide can improve renal function.

3, barley

Barley, with spleen, heat, dampness effect, nephritis, water swelling, edema, oliguria, the patient is appropriate to use barley porridge to eat.

4, beans

Broad beans, nature, sweet, with the effect of spleen dampness, nephritis edema Yi Shi. "Folk commonly used herbal medicine compilation" mentioned in the "governance water swelling, water swelling: broad bean 50 to 400 grams. Stewed beef suits. Can not eat with spinach."

5, white beans

White lentils, suitable for acute and chronic nephritis edema, "Materia Medica," recorded: "governance edema: lentils three liters, fried yellow, ground into powder. Every morning and evening the food 1, adults with three money, A money, light heart soup transfer service. "

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



