
Defecation bleeding how to do diet to help you relieve symptoms

Under normal circumstances the body will not be bleeding bleeding, but if it is suffering from hemorrhoids or anal fissure and other diseases, there may be bleeding stool. What about defecation bleeding? Let's take a look at it.
What is the bleeding of defecation?

There are three common clinical: hemorrhoids, anal fissure, rectal cancer.

The characteristics of their respective blood in the stool:

Hemorrhoids mostly blood pain in the stool, bleeding is often bleeding after the gap. Often in the pool of drops of blood, not mixed with feces, severe patients will spray bleeding, which may be forced to defecate the mucous membrane caused by excessive force. In general, after the bleeding will stop their own. Constipation, stool dry hard, drinking and eating spicy food, is the cause of stool bleeding. Hemorrhoids how to treat blood in need of treatment according to their needs to take different treatment measures.

Anal fissure blood in the stool: in the blood of the stool at the same time, there are pain after the symptoms. Adult anal fissure is mostly caused by long-term constipation. Most of the patients bleeding in defecation, mostly blood, bleeding is not much, sometimes found in hand paper stained blood, after the blood attached to the surface of manure. This is mainly because the stool scratched the ulcer surface caused by small blood vessels. In addition to blood in the stool, the patient is also accompanied by severe anal pain, usually after a few minutes of pain will be reduced or temporarily disappeared, which is called the pain intermittent period, after which patients will have persistent muscle spasms and severe pain, pain time And even last for several hours to more than ten hours, the special process of this pain is called "anal fissure pain cycle."

Rectal cancer: rectal cancer caused by blood in the stool mainly occurred in the middle of the next year, its symptoms are mainly mixed with feces in the feces, mucous membranes or rancid secretions. At this point should pay attention to carefully check the cause of blood in the stool, to avoid missed the best treatment of rectal cancer time.

Diet help to alleviate defecation bleeding:

1, Huaihua pig intestine
30 grams of Sophora japonica into the 30 cm pig large intestine, two head tight, add water soup, put a little salt, drink soup food intestines, can cure hemorrhoids can ringworm anal fissure, stool hard bleeding.

2, banana peel
First, the banana peel in the pot after the cooked, and then take, you can improve the hemorrhoids caused by the symptoms of blood in the stool.

3, purslane green bean soup
Fresh purslane 120 grams (dry 30 grams), 60 grams of green beans, a total of decoction plus brown sugar to take. Applicable to intestinal damp heat and blood in the stool.

How to do defecation bleeding what is the reason why bloating bleeding

4, fire burning mother tea
Foam mother 30 grams, green tea 10 grams, a total of decoction, add sugar seasoning clothes. Applicable to intestinal damp heat and blood in the stool.

5, Astragalus thirty-seven pot lean meat
Take Astragalus 30 grams, 3710 grams, jujube 5, 150 grams of pig meat, and then use this ingredients together to soup to take. Can improve the spleen and stomach Deficiency caused by blood in the stool symptoms.

6, rhubarb Huaihua honey drink
Rhubarb 4 grams, 30 grams of Sophora japonica, 15 grams of honey, 2 grams of green tea. Rhubarb Huaihua Jianshui, cool water temperature when transferred to the honey. Can be heat and cooling blood. Applicable to patients with colorectal cancer caused by blood in the stool, bloody red, and cancer after surgery blood stasis embolism.

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