
Long-term look fleshy vigilance is kidney failure

45-year-old Mr. Zhang in recent months to face a little yellow, began to think that the winter sun less, who knows the hospital a check, only to know that they have kidney failure. Physician reminded, once found his face sallow, anemia, when the time to a large hospital specialist treatment, excluding chronic kidney disease.

According to the then admissions of the emergency doctor, the patient sent when the face of waxy yellow wax, serum creatinine up to more than 1,000, is more than 10 times normal, patients were immediately transferred to the hospital's Department of Nephrology. All this let the family unexpected, the original Mr. Zhang face because of his kidney failure.

Doctors explained that some people consciously the body has always been healthy, but when they appear obvious symptoms, to the hospital a check, was diagnosed with uremia, but also accompanied by serious complications.

In fact, most uremic patients are developed from early chronic kidney disease, but early onset of chronic kidney disease hidden, difficult to be perceived. First of all, when the morning eyelids or facial edema, usually these symptoms increase in fatigue, reduce the rest, the afternoon will fade. Followed by small and long foam bubble does not disappear. This indicates that the urine contains more protein.

There is a change in urine color. Normal urine for the light beer color, color and transparent, if the urine was thick brown, soy sauce, etc., should be treated as soon as possible. In addition, if the urine is too much or too little is not normal. Normal urine output is 1500 ml / day, 4-8 times a day urine, if there is no fever, a lot of sweating, a lot of water, etc., and urine volume plummeted or surge, to be timely treatment. 60 years of age, generally should not have nocturia, if young people increase in nocturia, renal dysfunction may be early signs.

So, how to prevent kidney failure?
Need to limit the intake of protein to reduce the burden on the kidney, kidney failure diet, but if you eat a small, then consume the body's muscles and internal organs, so you must eat the correct and adequate "quantity" and "quality" of the protein, The amount should be 1 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, kidney failure diet, intake of high quality physiological value of animal protein foods such as: milk, eggs, meat.

Because of the low utilization rate of plant protein in the body, the diet of the kidney failure, the metabolism produces more nitrogenous waste, so can not eat, such as: beans (red beans, green beans, soybeans, beans, beans, (Gluten, peanuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, millet), and so on.

Vegetarians due to soy products and cereals contain essential amino acids are not complete, kidney failure diet, in order to improve the vegetarian protein utilization, these foods must be with the consumption, kidney failure diet, to play a complementary effect; It is best to change to eat egg yolk is appropriate, the protein according to quantitative intake standards.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



