
Reversing the first part of uremia - delaying the progress of renal dysfunction

In the treatment of chronic renal insufficiency, to seize the three main links. Delay the progress of renal damage is the first link, we should pay attention to the following three points:

▲ treatment of hypertension, control of hypertension
    Hypertension on the basis of kidney disease is renal hypertension. Kidney diseases that cause high blood pressure include renal vascular disease (such as renal artery stenosis, renal vascular thrombosis, etc.) and renal parenchymal disease, the former called renal vascular hypertension; the latter called renal parenchymal hypertension. Because of the different nature of the disease, causing the beginning of the different causes of hypertension, but are due to kidney disease caused by high blood pressure, it is called renal hypertension. Renal hypertension usually refers to renal parenchymal hypertension.
    Chronic renal insufficiency to a certain extent, prone to renal hypertension. Hypertension in turn acts on the kidneys, accelerating the progression of kidney disease, accelerating renal impairment, so controlling renal hypertension is very important.
    It is necessary to understand what degree of blood pressure should be controlled. In principle, the blood pressure should be reduced to the required level, we call the target value. If the urine protein is less than 1 g per day, we need to control the mean arterial pressure to 100 mmHg. If the amount of urinary protein exceeds 1.5 g per day, we need to control the mean arterial pressure to 92 mmHg, which is the target value.
   Treatment of high blood pressure, we must try to control the blood pressure to the target value range, otherwise it can not be a good protection of the kidney, relieve renal damage.
    Mean arterial pressure formula:
    Mean arterial pressure = diastolic blood pressure +1/3 pulse pressure,
    Pulse pressure = systolic blood pressure - diastolic blood pressure.
    The average arterial pressure can be marked out
  ▲Take an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
    1. General treatment includes appropriate rest, adequate sleep, qigong, tai chi, unloading the mental burden, etc., if necessary, take a small amount of sedative drugs. Properly reduce weight, limit salt (<5g / d) and quit smoking.
    2. Drug treatment Most patients with essential hypertension, the above treatment, blood pressure still can not be reduced to normal, need antihypertensive drug therapy.
     The general principles of antihypertensive drug therapy are: ① buck therapies of the five major categories of drugs are diuretics, sympathetic nerve block drugs (β-blockers and α-blockers), calcium antagonists (CCB) Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin II receptor antagonists.
 ▲ to give patients low protein diet
    Normal people generally eat, containing the protein is about one gram per kilogram of body weight per day. In patients with chronic renal insufficiency, the intake of protein should be 0.6 g or less per kilogram of body weight per day, due to low protein intake, called a low-protein diet. The protein content of the food can be found in the professional food table.
    Low-protein diet, which must be about half of the high-quality protein. The so-called high-quality protein, according to the medical said, is a multi-amino acid protein, mainly refers to animal protein, such as lean meat, egg white, milk and so on. The other half is plant protein, such as rice, flour and so on. Low-protein diet can first reduce the production of metabolic wastes, can reduce the symptoms caused by renal insufficiency. In addition to relieve symptoms, long-term use of low-protein diet, but also delay the progress of renal damage.
    In order to prevent low protein diet caused by malnutrition, through the starch, vegetable oil to heat to ensure that the normal heat card value, the required calories per kilogram of body weight per day 35 kcal



