
There are 7 kinds of obvious symptoms of renal failure

Typical symptoms of kidney failure are many , sleepy or looking pale yellow . In addition to these symptoms , there are some obvious symptoms that make the patient difficult to detect . What are the inconspicuous symptoms of kidney failure ?
kidney disease is a very occult disease , many patients have had a huge kidney damage , clinical symptoms have symptoms , and symptoms are also very slow , often easily confused with other diseases , such as fatigue was mistaken for fatigue , poor face was considered anemia , end-stage renal failure caused by indigestion was misdiagnosed as gastritis and so on . Because of kidney disease , these symptoms usually do not come together , and sometimes may occur at the same time , however , some obviously not obvious , obvious symptoms can easily be ignored .
Next , list seven symptoms that renal failure is not easily detectable :

1. Anemia
Renal failure leads to decreased erythropoietin , the patient will have symptoms such as fatigue and other anemia .
2. Fracture
Renal failure lead to the production of calcium and phosphorus metabolism of vitamin D3 decreased , the patient is easy to fracture .
3. Hypoglycemia
Kidney failure can effectively inactivate the body when the kidneys insulin , some of the original diabetic with high blood sugar will appear hypoglycemia .
4. Male “ feminization ”
Renal failure when the kidneys can not inactivate the body of estrogen , many men will appear breast enlargement , reduction of body hair and other feminized symptoms .
5. Nosebleeds
Renal failure leads to hypothyroidism , causing frequent nosebleeds in patient .
6. Heart failure
Renal failure in patients with toxins and acidosis inhibition of myocardial contraction and diastolic capacity to induce heart failure .
7. Uremic encephalopathy
Patients with renal failure due to the toxicity of the body can not be cleared , resulting in damage to the central nervous system , causing auditory hallucinations , convulsions , epilepsy , aphasia and other symptoms .

If the patients has the above symptoms , they should be carefully distinguished from other related symptoms , if the investigation after the suspected nephropathy , the easiest way is to do a urine test , if you still need to do under the guidance of a doctor kidney function tests , take preventive measures . In addition , these is a need to be a well-to-do person in life , in anemia at the same time , whether there is swelling ( nephrotic swelling generally appear morning eyelid swelling ) , whether these is a bubble when urinating and a long time to go ( may be caused by excessive protein in the urine ) , urine output is reduced , nausea and vomiting and other symptoms 



