
Nephritis will inherit how to treat nephritis

Nephritis is a genetic disease? Presumably a lot of nephritis patients are very worried about the following with the understanding of this article, to understand nephritis in the end is not genetic disease? Know exactly how to treat nephritis disease, of course, the specific symptoms of nephritis? Look together!

Is nephritis a genetic disease?

First of all, we know that nephritis can be caused by a variety of reasons, the common nephritis include: acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, and acute interstitial nephritis and chronic interstitial nephritis, etc .; patients often manifested as: Fatigue, waist pain, and decreased urine output.

Second, in general, chronic nephritis is not a genetic disease, but depending on what type it is, it can usually be divided into primary nephritis, secondary nephritis and hereditary nephritis. The first two are not genetic, we do not have to worry too much, but hereditary nephritis types can occur genetic, to arouse everyone's attention.

Finally, the patients during treatment, we must pay attention to the removal of incentives for the treatment of etiology and pathogenesis, and often there are many patients with kidney disease complications, such as: hypertension, coronary heart disease, patients should be actively treated. When acute and chronic renal failure with dialysis indications, dialysis should be promptly given. Usually pay attention to maintaining a good living habits and diet balanced, avoid eating irritating or too fatty food, to avoid smoking and drinking bad habits, do not abuse drugs, etc., proper exercise.

Nephritis treatment methods

1, pay attention to rest, to avoid over exertion. Prevent cold or upper respiratory tract infection.

2, tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, dental caries should be timely diagnosis and treatment. Pay attention to personal hygiene, keep the skin clean and prevent skin infections. These are all possible causes of recurrence or activity of the disease incentives.

3, edema was obvious, a large number of proteinuria and normal renal function may be appropriate to add protein diet. No edema and hypoproteinemia, the daily protein intake should be limited to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight (about 6 grams of protein per bottle of milk, each egg contains about 6 grams of protein, about 50 grams of rice contains about 4 grams Plant protein).

4, edema, hypertension and cardiac insufficiency should be into the low-salt diet, salt intake should be less than 5 grams per day (1 money), about a bean size.

5, to avoid taking non-phenacetin with a class of antipyretic analgesics and other drugs that damage renal function such as kanamycin, gentamicin.

6, regular inspection of urine, such as urinary red blood cells per high power field of more than 10, to bed rest.

Nephritis symptoms

Symptoms First, nephritis patients although the lack of specific symptoms, but early fatigue, fatigue, low back pain, eyelids, face, ankle swelling, increased urine foam, abnormal urine color. Therefore, when these symptoms occur, they should go to the hospital to check urine routine.

Symptoms Acute nephritis and chronic nephritis in patients with acute attacks often associated with pharyngitis, tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract and skin infections. Therefore, when suffering from the above infectious diseases should check urine.

Symptoms Third, nephrologists pointed out that about 1/3 of nephritis patients will appear elevated blood pressure, manifested as headache, memory loss, poor sleep and so on. Patients who seek medical attention due to the above symptoms and who find blood pressure elevated must check urinalysis, especially in younger patients.

Symptoms Fourth, patients with moderate and severe chronic renal insufficiency often anemia, fatigue, dizziness, pale and other symptoms. Anemia patients such as excluding blood diseases, should pay attention to the existence of chronic renal insufficiency.

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