
The Best Treatment for IgA Nephropathy with Stage 4 Kidney Failure and GFR 16

A patient has IgA Nephropathy problem and his illness condition is already progressed into stage 4 kidney failure, besides, his GFR is just 16. He has an irresistible urge to know what is the best treatment for IgA Nephropathy with stage 4 kidney failure and GFR 16.
The Best Treatment for IgA Nephropathy with Stage 4 Kidney Failure and GFR 16IgA Nephropathy is a illness condition in which lots of IgA proteins build up into your blood due to immune disorder, as time goes by, more and more IgA proteins build up into your blood, making further damage to kidney function. Without effective treatments controlling, more and more damage on kidney function occur, as a result, stage 4 kidney failure appear.

Patients want to know the best treatment for IgA Nephropathy with Stage 4 kidney failure and GFR 16, they need to know a treatment to recover kidney function. Only by this way can they live a long and high quality life.

Immunotherapy is used to help patients regulate immune disorder and improve immunity. Immunotherapy consists of accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune tolerance, immune blocking, immune regulation and immune protection. Each step has its own purpose. The whole treatment is aimed at helping patients rebuild kidney structure, enhance immunity and regulate immune disorder.

Furthermore, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a treatment to clear away various toxins and wastes products out of body completely. This is an external application in which the tremendous herbs containing in this therapy, besides, herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency, by connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly.

The damage on kidney function is repaired gradually, as a result, your illness condition could be reversed if the damage on kidney function is less than 50% and then if the damage on your kidney function is more than 50%, we will try our best to help you live a stable and high quality life.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



