
Several cases of kidney failure that are easy to ignore

We all know that the impact of kidney failure on the health of patients is of course kidney function is not good, but you know? Kidney failure can lead to some complications, but was ignored, until the time of discovery, then the condition has been very serious, Treatment is also more difficult, the following we have to introduce several easily overlooked several symptoms of renal failure.

1, low blood sugar
When the kidneys appear renal failure, this time will be unable to effectively inactivate the body of insulin, some of the original high blood sugar in patients with diabetes will appear hypoglycemic symptoms.

2, anemia
Renal failure is easy to make patients with anemia, renal failure leading to reduced erythropoietin, the patient will produce fatigue and other symptoms of anemia.

3, fracture
Generally for renal failure patients are more prone to fracture, renal failure caused by regulation of calcium, phosphorus metabolism of vitamin D3 decreased, the patient is easy to fracture.

4, nosebleeds
For patients with renal failure are often nasal bleeding, renal failure caused by the body coagulation dysfunction, causing patients often nosebleeds.

5, heart failure
Most patients with renal failure will have varying degrees of heart failure, renal failure when the body of toxins and acidosis in vivo inhibition of myocardial cell contraction and relaxation ability to induce heart failure.

6, male "female" of the
Renal failure when the kidney can not inactivate the body of estrogen, many male patients will appear breast enlargement, hair loss and other female symptoms.

Renal failure diet
Limit the amount of water: If the discharge of urine decreased, the mouth into the liquid retention in the body, resulting in body swelling, blood pressure, and even pulmonary edema, this time, must limit the daily liquid intake, usually oral intake Of the amount of liquid is about equal to the amount of urine plus 500cc is appropriate.

Low-salt diet: 80% of patients with chronic renal failure accompanied by high blood pressure, when the renal insufficiency, the body can not be too much sodium excretion, resulting in high blood pressure, edema, ascites, lung water, increase the burden of the heart, Easily lead to heart failure. Sodium salt intake can cause sodium and water retention, not only can aggravate edema, and can increase the high blood pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the intake of sodium, according to the disease can limit the intake of sodium salt in the 2 ~ 3g / d, while fasting pickled foods, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, A large number of sodium, processed and preserved canned sodium content is also a lot, so the daily life as far as possible the choice of natural food, cooking can use more sugar, white vinegar, onions, ginger, garlic, spiced, cinnamon, pepper, parsley and so on Other flavor, increase food palatability.

High-quality low-protein diet: patients with chronic renal failure to promote high-quality protein diet, that is rich in essential amino acids in the protein. Such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and so on. Protein intake should be adjusted according to the patient's creatinine clearance rate. It is usually recommended that the protein intake be 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight, for example, 50 kg of body weight, the daily protein intake should be controlled to 30 grams. At the same time in the strict control of protein intake, must be carefully selected protein source, can be fully used by the human body, it is recommended that at least 2/3 of the daily allowable by high-quality protein supply. Rich in vegetable protein foods such as peanuts, beans and products: tofu, tofu, soy milk, bean curd and other caution.

In short, we must understand that renal failure is not only the patient's kidney function, it also has a lot of complications, the face of kidney failure, patients need effective treatment, timely to ensure their own health, so good To understand the symptoms of renal failure is very necessary, this can allow patients to return to health in a timely manner, do not worry will continue to be threatened by the disease.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



