
The benefits of walking pebbles

What are the benefits of walking pebbles? We are not familiar with the pebbles it, there are many places have pebbles, we all know the benefits of walking pebbles more, but do not know what the benefits in the end.

The benefits of walking pebbles
Pebbles are not only smooth and beautiful, but also to the health of people play a certain role.
Often walking on the pebbles, can stimulate the acupuncture points to the feet, to help people live fine blood.
Our feet all over the many points, some people often stay up late or do not exercise, do a foot massage to know where the body in the end what is weak.

Sometimes according to their own feet will feel pain, it is because the physical problems so it will feel pain.
Our feet support our daily walking and activities, even if the physical problems, then through the foot massage can be found.

May be some friends feel the first time walking pee feet hurt, it is right.
If the foot does not hurt the words on behalf of the body is very healthy, it does not need to go pebbles.

Often walking pebbles, can play the role of foot massage, foot of the root of the human body is the center of the collection of gas; also known as the body of the "second heart."
But the foot from the heart of the farthest, but also in the lowest position of the human body, is the peripheral blood circulation is relatively poor, easy to stay in the blood of the site.

In daily health care, often ensure that the foot of the blood circulation is very important, this is conducive to ensuring the normal blood supply to the body, foot massage is the best way to smooth the foot blood circulation.
In addition, the foot massage also has a curing root gas, clear the meridians, physical illness, regulate the function of autonomic nerve.
Through the pressure in the foot surface, but also start the body's regulatory function, stimulate the potential of various organs and cells, enhance immunity.

Foot massage therapy on the neurasthenia, insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, bronchitis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease and so have a good therapeutic effect, every day barefoot pebbles without pain, no side effects, is a natural therapy The

The following four categories of people should not take the "Health Road"
1, Parkinson's disease, impaired cerebellar dysfunction and cervical spondylotic myelopathy and other patients, because the control can not be the footsteps, absolutely can not carry out such exercise.

2, more severe hip, knee disease patients, due to less flexible joints, uneven road will increase the joint load, increase the joint lesions.

3, long-term bed rest or because of physical injuries and long fixed people, due to lack of lower limb muscle strength, just started walking on the exercise of this exercise, there may be dangerous.

4, due to nervous system disorders lead to lower limb muscle weakness, should not be carried out this exercise

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