
How does the eye have a crow's feet?

As the age of growth, our face began to aging, crow's feet also gradually appear out of our face is very unsightly. So, how does the eye have crow's feet?

How does the eye have a crow's feet?
1. develop good habits
Stay up late can greatly delay the emergence of crow's feet, the daily life of the expression should not be too rich, because it will stimulate the appearance of crow's feet. How to remove the crow's feet, the best way to the crow's feet? Skin experts found that smoking women than non-smoking women prematurely crow's feet, so smoking will promote the production of crow's feet, quit smoking is necessary. At the same time, women in the make-up and remover should be a lot of attention, should pay special attention to the eye skin clean and moisturizing work, avoid the use of counterfeit side effects or irritating large cosmetics, remover methods and steps are also important, Soft makeup water, to avoid stabbing around the eye delicate skin.

2. Correctly select eye cream
Eye cream selection is also very important, to choose a professional to the crow's eye cream. How to remove the crow's feet, we must choose the right eye cream. The general eye cream products can not effectively eliminate the crow's feet, a lot of eye cream can only play the role of moisturizing moisturizing, so we should choose a professional to the crow's feet products, the current market to the professional to the crow's feet products do not seem to repair the crow's feet most of the effect is not ideal.

3. Diet conditioning
Most of the dermal dermal tissue is made of elastic fibers, the skin is completely elastic, it is dry feeling. And the skin will gather together to form a crow's feet. In order to be able to get this skin problem, then the diet to improve the way, then may wish to eat chicken and chicken cartilage, these foods are rich in large amounts of chondroitin sulfate, which is the most important component of skin elastic fibers. Leftover chicken bones clean, and chicken skin together to drink soup, add the body needs nutrition, and long-term drink this soup, over time, the face of the crow's feet will disappear, but also very smooth Oh!

4. One minute massage
step1. with the middle finger and ring finger dip a little eye cream, and then to the corner of the eye as a starting point, from the middle to the outside draw circle. Note that the skin at the eyelid is very thin, and easy to wrinkles, so gently massage in one direction is very important;

Follow the middle finger and ring finger to hold the temple, and then force the way to circle the massage. Forced to massage the temple, then help to quickly remove the get up gas, to restore the eyes of the clear and bright. For those who often use the eye, can effectively remove fatigue;

step 3. chin down, the middle finger and ring finger refers to the belly on the brow, and then suddenly look to pull up the eyelids;

Close your eyes, hold your eyes with four fingers outside your thumb, then rub the eyeball with waves. With an appropriate force to rub an eye, then you can quickly relieve eye fatigue.

Through the introduction of the above content, I believe everyone on the eye has a crow's feet how to do have to understand. In order to avoid the crow's feet too early to climb the corner, it is recommended to do the skin moisturizing and appropriate massage. To avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, leading to skin light aging

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