In fact, no matter what the cause of the white hair, are caused by the "virtual", even the so-called blood heat caused by less white, the essence of the body is also caused by liver blood and kidney dissipation.

From the theory of Chinese medicine, the hair for the blood, but also published in the kidney, so that the kidney in the hair, pay attention to the kidney does not pay (insomnia, neurasthenia), or congenital deficiency, or thinking about excessive consumption of fine blood, Or fear the injured kidney essence, the hair will be white.
Under normal circumstances, after 40 years of age will be white hair, it is because with age, kidney essence gradually decay, can not honor hair, there will be white hair. This is a natural phenomenon, and no treatment. But if suddenly a period of time hair white, mostly due to the body caused by air disorder, then for the cause of treatment, often white hair can be re-black.
Worry too much to make white hair early
Modern medicine that worry over, panic, frightened and mental fatigue and other conditions will make the supply of hair nutrition vasospasm, so that the function of the secretion of melanin disorders, resulting in white hair. For example, in people's lives which often encounter this situation, when the cause is not smooth, or family death, or encounter serious illness, etc., will grow a lot of white hair in a short time, and even short hair all white. This is actually due to the impact of sentiment caused.
Emotional depression or worry too much, will lead to liver qi stagnation, so that blood running disgrace, resulting in blood can not be raised hair and white. These people are usually accompanied by dry mouth and throat, dyspepsia, chest tightness, abdominal distension, especially in the middle of the larger pressure of the most common.
Prevent white hair, to do a few points
However, for this situation, we do not have to worry, because as long as the symptomatic conditioning, white hair can be re-black.
First of all, to maintain the spirit of optimism, to avoid too strong spiritual stimulation, because optimistic and open-minded mood to prevent premature white hair is essential.
Second, a reasonable diet and hair health are closely related. Usually should eat fresh vegetables, diet light and diverse, to overcome the partial eclipse and other bad habits, so that the body of nutrition balance, so as to achieve the effect of diet against white hair. Usually you can also eat some nourishing food, such as walnuts, sesame seeds, edible fungus, etc., contribute to hair growth. At the beginning of the signs of white hair, you can eat kidney medicine, such as the system Shouwu flush on behalf of the tea.
Once again, massage the scalp can promote blood circulation and improve the supply of head nutrition. Can be comb comb hair, or with the palm of your hand, fingers rub your hair, daily morning and evening 1, each 1-2 minutes.
Finally, long white hair in most cases is a natural phenomenon, do not worry too much, and the current clinical treatment of white hair has no cure, so do not believe the so-called magical black hair on the market, or eat bad body is worth the loss The
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