
Early signal inventory of kidney cancer

The pathologic response of early renal carcinoma is not obvious and is particularly easy to ignore.
So kidney cancer has been found to be late in life.
So early in the kidney cancer really did not have what performance?
It's been sending us a signal that we're not paying attention.

The three symptoms are:

1, blood in urine
Most of the sudden eye blood, not accompanied by pain or other symptoms.
About 70 percent of patients with kidney cancer develop blood urine.
This hematuria is often intermittent and can stop itself, but it can be repeated multiple times.
Early diagnosis can be achieved if attention is paid to the first blood urine and early medical treatment.

2, low back pain
About 50 percent of patients have a low back pain.
It is the result of the increased traction of the renal capsule or the surrounding nerve and muscle tissue.
A dull pain in the waist or upper abdomen.
Occasionally, blood clots are arranged for severe angina, which can be mistaken for kidney and ureteral calculi.

3. Waist bag
The lesions are enlarged to a degree that can be felt from the waist or the upper abdomen.
About 20% to 30% of patients have this symptom.
It is easy to feel when taking the side position, and sometimes you can see the packet moving up and down with the breath.
If the block is attached to the surrounding tissue, then the block is fixed and cannot be pushed, which is late.

The early warning signs of kidney cancer appear to be varied and common, and the symptoms of the urinary tract need to be developed to a certain extent.
So early detection and diagnosis of kidney cancer depends on heightened vigilance against the cancer.
When the above mentioned warning signs appear, do not forget to include the urology examination in order to eliminate the possibility of kidney cancer.

How to prevent kidney cancer?

1. Primary prevention
In the daily life, establish a good life habit, need to quit smoking wine, still need to have certain physical exercise, besides should undertake occupational protection.

2. Secondary prevention
Found kidney cancer the best way is to take a census, the simplest way of disease treatment is the way of using ultrasound to check, if necessary also can be used in a blood pressure check, such as anemia or is to learn, such as correcting kidney disease in patients with changeable, the patient's disease is hidden, there will be different symptoms in the early stages of the disease, blood in the urine is a sign of kidney tumor the earliest, but patients often program painless hematuria, sometimes painless hematuria because older people in prostate problems, but there might be due to kidney cancer factors.

What are the early symptoms of kidney cancer and what are the early symptoms of kidney cancer

Hematuria happens there will be mass, there will be some systemic symptoms, such as fever, such as the high limit U ah, check out some blood also can appear abnormal performance, but this time should be timely attention.
Should check and see the doctor in time.
Regular physical examination, in the early stages of the disease to love your disease, is also beneficial to the kidney, once found timely treatment.
Kidney cancer may not work well if you use chemotherapy or if you put it in place.
But immunotherapy can have a certain effect.

3. Tertiary prevention
In the late stage of kidney cancer, it mainly increases the patient's comfort and alleviates the suffering of patients

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



