
Do you eat fruit for dinner?

Many women want to be more slim figure, so when the evening is often used to eat fruit instead, then, dinner only eat fruit really lose weight? Here to see it together.

Do you eat fruit for dinner?
"Dinner does not eat and eat fruit", is now a lot of young people believe in the weight loss magic, in fact, they do not know to eat fruit is particularly vulnerable to hunger. Although the fruit has dietary fiber, but the fructose content is very high, relative to the same calorie starchy foods, fructose absorption was particularly fast, to the body into the liver, very easy to convert into fat, not conducive to weight loss and soon will feel hungry , It is hungry can not control will eat more, but easy to fat. So we do not recommend eating fruit at night.

In the traditional impression, the fruit low energy, you can eat, but the fruit to eat more, the energy will be more than the normal diet, eat more energy than normal. For example, it is summer, some people do not eat at night to eat half a watermelon, but half a watermelon to eat, than the normal mix of dinner energy even higher, nutritious fruit meal, watermelon eat more, more insulin secretion, fat synthesis on the strong , Especially easy to get fatty liver, while high insulin, hungry soon, it will lead to eat more hungry, more hungry eat more, the end result is particularly easy to fat, but can not play a weight loss effect.

Some people lose weight dinner eat too little, plus the evening is the main time for office workers exercise, sleep are relatively late, so often hungry to sleep, the formation of the night would have to "eat" to sleep. How can we eat both satiety, not fattening? Fried chicken, hot pot, beer, these are just the tip of the "fashionable", is categorically unhealthy. If you are too hungry at night to eat, may wish to eat low-energy density of food, such as the fruit into vegetables, cucumber, tomato, radish, etc., and healthy and satiety.

Through the introduction of the above content, I believe we eat fruit only dinner can really lose weight you have to understand. If you want to lose weight, the best night do not drink milk, milk is relatively high or high protein, high fat, in the sleep state will affect the body's digestion and rest.

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