
Uremia after kidney transplantation diet

Uremic patients after transplantation, surgery in the first three months to six months of time to pay special attention to diet. Follow up some of the instructions on uremic diet after kidney transplantation.
    Dietary requirements: diet, a small amount of meals, nutrition balanced. Should eat high protein, low fat, low sugar, low salt, rich in vitamins, easy to digest the food. In order to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, intermittent consumption of calcium-rich foods, if necessary, prescribed calcium supplements, pay attention to prevent excessive calcium, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Quit smoking, reduce or avoid eating spicy, stimulating food. Kidney transplant uremia diet guide six points:

   1, pay attention to food hygiene. Do not eat not burn thoroughly food, do not eat every meal leftovers, do not eat the rotten scar has the fruit, do not eat cut after a few hours of fruit.

   2, milk can cause abdominal distension, early postoperative (1-2 days) gastrointestinal motility is not fully recovered when not drinking. Wait for gastrointestinal peristalsis after recovery. Milk calcium, suitable for calcium. The best choice of low-fat milk or skim milk Yogurt can regulate intestinal flora, relieve bloating. Gastrointestinal disorders and liver disease patients edible.

   3, fresh vegetables is conducive to add a variety of vitamins, and conducive to laxative. Watermelon diuretic, Jieshu, kidney transplant patients may be appropriate intake.

   4, the appropriate high protein food: lean meat, fish, eggs, chickens, ducks and so on.

   5, eat less animal offal, to prevent high cholesterol, uric acid increased.

   6, to avoid high sugar, high fat diet, to prevent blood sugar, high blood lipids, affecting kidney function.



