
Is Kiwi Fruit Good for High Creatinine Patients

Is kiwi good for Chronic Kidney Disease with high creatinine ? For this question, some patients may considered that they should eat it, because their doctor recommend them to eat more fresh fruits. But some patients said they should not to eat it, because it is rich in potassium. Which opinion are you agree with ?

Is Kiwi Good For Kidney Failure Patients

Kiwi berry: With a high reputation, kiwi berry is called “king of fruits”, because the content of vitamin C in kiwi berry is twice higher than the amount of vitamin C that people need one daily. What’s more, kiwi berry also has an effect of diuretic. When a lot of wastes discharge out of the kidney, high creatinine level will come down spontaneously.

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But as a CKD patient with high creatinine you should not eat too much kiwi, because your kidney function has been damaged, if you eat too much that will add work load to your kidney. If you want to eat it, you’d better consult your doctor or our online experts. Because different patient has different disease condition, so they will provider suitable advices for you. In one word, do not eat any fruits before you know its pros and cons for you.

Kiwi is good and helpful for kidney disease patients, but it is in potassium. One of the major jobs of kidney is to maintain electrolyte balance, so when kidneys fail to work properly, electrolyte disturbance appears easily. High potassium level in blood is one of the most common electrolyte disturbances when kidneys fail to work well. Therefore, for kidney disease patients,whether they can eat kiwi to reduce creatinine level should depend on their specific illness condition.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



