
What should you pay attention to elderly kidney failure?

What should you pay attention to elderly kidney failure? For the elderly treatment of renal failure, we early treatment, at the same time, the choice of therapy is also very important. So, what is the method of treatment of renal failure? For the treatment of renal failure in the elderly, do the following analysis:

For the treatment of renal failure in the elderly, the use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy, that is, micro-traditional Chinese medicine
infiltration therapy. This therapy makes the traditional Chinese medicine efficacy ingredients to maximize the limit, making the active ingredients of Chinese medicine can go deep into the root causes of kidney disease, so that the fundamental treatment of nephropathy, and ultimately achieve the real purpose of treatment of chronic renal failure, making elderly patients with chronic renal failure Of the renal function gradually restored to enhance the overall renal function, to strengthen the elderly patients with chronic renal failure to excrete metabolic wastes and toxins purposes, and continuously reduce the patient serum creatinine, urea nitrogen levels, improve patient clinical symptoms, and gradually achieve uremic patients to the good Direction of return

Treatment of elderly people with kidney failure - care methods Note the following:

Low-protein diet Edema and hypertension, should be low-salt diet. Early no edema, urine for a long time, should be more water, late edema, oliguria, should limit the amount of drinking water.

2. To pay attention to the appropriate rest, guard against colds, no alcohol and alcohol, control of sexual life.

3. pay attention to the mouth, skin hygiene.

4. During the medication, pay attention to observe the blood pressure, pulse, breathing, urine output, stool volume and color changes. Found that high blood pressure or too low, the timely adjustment of antihypertensive drugs.

Hope that the above answer, you can help. Recommended early treatment, otherwise it will seriously endanger life!

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



