
Stay away from the four major taboos of diabetes & Diabetes complications!

Now diabetes is no longer a patent of the elderly, and more and more tend to be younger, for patients with diabetes, in life should be very careful. Diabetes is now a very common disease, treatment is a very long process, in the course of treatment, do a good diet and diabetes care will be to control the protection of diabetes. In particular, people with diabetes need to pay attention to diet. So for diabetic patients need to know some taboos on diet, the following to tell you what diet taboo in diabetic patients do.

1. Diabetes diet taboo High-sugar foods:

Sugar, sugar, maltose, glucose, ice cream, honey, toffee, chocolate, candied fruit, fruit sugar, canned fruit, juice, cakes, soft drinks, sweet cookies, jams, Fasting blood sugar foods are taboo for diabetic diet.

2. To reduce high-fat foods: For diabetics, should eat less fat, pork and other high-fat foods, in addition to milk, eggs, sausage, nuts and pastries like snacks, but also contains high fat, So still want to avoid eating. At home consumption of oil should try to use olive oil, rapeseed oil and peanut oil this type, as little as possible the use of food oil.

3. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy and other irritating foods: liquor Xin hot, can directly interfere with the body's energy metabolism, aggravate the condition. When taking hypoglycemic agents, if drinking alcohol, can make blood sugar plummeted, induced hypoglycemia, affect the treatment. In addition, ethanol can speed up the metabolism of hypoglycemic agents, so that its half-life was significantly shortened, the impact of drug efficacy. Therefore, diabetic patients must avoid alcohol.

Smoking without harm, nicotine can stimulate the secretion of adrenomedullin, induce blood sugar; smoking can lead to peripheral vasoconstriction, affecting the insulin and other hypoglycemic agents in the blood to run and absorb. Smoking can also induce vasospasm, damage the inner wall of blood vessels, and diabetes and easily combined with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The two affect each other, can occur coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, intractable ulcers, stroke and other serious complications. Therefore, diabetic patients must avoid tobacco

4. Control of fat intake: In patients with diabetes should pay attention to daily intake of fat content should be controlled at 60 grams or less, for cholesterol intake should be controlled at 300mg or less, do not eat high cholesterol foods such as egg yolk, Animal offal This food, should be banned, and pay attention to saturated fatty acid intake.

For patients with diabetes, diagnosis and treatment is a relatively long process, but also need to be aware of in daily life, it should be a reasonable understanding of the taboo for the diet of diabetes, to avoid aggravating the condition due to improper diet.

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