
Abdominal pain vigilance allergic purpura nephritis attack

Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a common capillary allergic disease, the main pathological basis for a wide range of capillary inflammation, purpura skin, gastrointestinal mucosal bleeding, joint swelling and pain and nephritis and other symptoms as the main clinical manifestations, a small number of patients also accompanied by blood vessels Neurogenic edema.

Allergic purpura nephritis

1, purpura skin: more common in the limbs and buttocks, symmetrical distribution, stretch side more, appear in batches, less face and trunk. From the beginning purple purplish rash, higher than the leather, the pressure of the fade, a few days later turned to dark purple, the final was brown and faded. A small number of severe purpura in children may be integrated into bullae with hemorrhagic necrosis, some cases may be associated with urticaria and angioneurotic edema. Skin purpura usually subsides after 4 to 6 weeks, some children relapse after a few weeks interval, a few months later.

2, gastrointestinal symptoms: generally severe paroxysmal abdominal pain, often located in the umbilical or lower abdomen may be associated with vomiting, but rarely hematemesis, some children may have melena or bloody stools, sometimes complicated by intussusception, Intestinal obstruction or intestinal perforation who.

3, joint symptoms: about 1/3 of the cases can occur knee, ankle, elbow, wrist and other large joint swelling and pain, limited mobility.

4, kidney symptoms: 30% to 60% of cases have clinical manifestations of kidney damage. Kidney symptoms occur within 1 month of onset, but also later in the course of the disease, after the disappearance of other symptoms occur, the majority of children with hematuria, proteinuria and tubular urine, with increased blood pressure and edema, a purpuric nephritis, A few showed nephrotic syndrome.

How to prevent allergic purpura

1, pay attention to avoid contact with pathogens, such as pollen, chemicals, paint, gasoline, dust mites and so on.

2, children with allergies do not keep pets, minimize contact with animal fur, especially children who have been clearly allergens should pay more attention.

3, pay attention to food hygiene, wash their hands frequently, do not eat dirty fruits and aquatic plants, to prevent the chance of intestinal parasites infection.

4, strengthening exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the body's immunity to various infections, to avoid the inducement of allergic purpura.

5, pay attention to climate change, change clothes in time, prevent colds, regular ventilation in the room to keep indoor air fresh.

6, before the disease is not cured, do not vaccinate a variety of vaccines, must be cured 3 to 6 months after the vaccination, otherwise it may lead to the recurrence of the disease.

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