
What are the symptoms of uremia?

Symptoms of uremia
Early symptoms: anorexia, abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth ulcers, breath with urine, headache, dizziness, trance, indifferent, lethargy, lethargy, and even coma. Increased blood pressure, arrhythmia more common, severe anemia, acidosis deep and long breathing. Skinless, dry scaling. Urea from the sweat glands after discharge, can be cemented into white urea cream, and can stimulate the skin and itchy.

Late symptoms: can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and black feces and hematemesis. Irritability, muscle fibrillation, convulsions, convulsions are also common in the late, there may be cellulose apnea and heart failure, bleeding symptoms, caused by uremic bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy.

Symptoms of uremia
Uremic gastrointestinal symptoms appear the earliest, with anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mouth ammonia, gums are often inflamed, oral mucosal ulceration and bleeding. Nervous system may have insomnia, irritability, limb numbness burning, late emergence of drowsiness or even twitching, coma. Cardiovascular system can be high blood pressure and from pericarditis and heart failure caused by precordial pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, and abdominal pain, edema, can not be supine and so on. Blood system can occur anemia and mucosal bleeding. Respiratory system may have pneumonia and pleural inflammation caused by cough, chest pain.

Uremic symptoms can occur slowly, long hidden without being found. Acute renal failure can occur within a few days, there is obvious symptoms of uremia. Uremic syndrome can be a variety of, not necessarily all the symptoms are shown.

(A) azotemia
The patient has obvious nitrogen retention, but the clinical manifestations of primary renal disease alone, or only headache, fatigue, poor appetite and other symptoms

(B) uremic period
  1, the general symptoms:
Face pale and gray, whole body fatigue, weight loss.

2, gastrointestinal manifestations:
The earliest and most prominent manifestations of the disease. Anorexia, abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth ulcers, breath with urine, late can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and black feces and hematemesis.

3, the spirit of the Department of nervous system performance:
Headache, dizziness, trance, indifferent, drowsiness, lethargy, and even coma. Irritability, muscle tremor, convulsions, convulsions are also common in the late.

4, cardiovascular system performance:
Increased blood pressure, arrhythmia more common; late can still occur in cellulitis pericarditis and heart failure.

5, hematopoietic performance:
Severe anemia, late bleeding may still have symptoms.

6, respiratory performance:
Acid poisoning deep and long breathing. Late can cause uremic bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy.

7, skin performance:
Skinless, dry scaling. Urea from the sweat glands after discharge, can be cemented into white urea cream, and can stimulate the skin and itchy.

8, metabolic acidosis and acid-base balance disorders caused by symptoms:
① dehydration or edema; ② metabolic acidosis; ③ hyponatremia and sodium retention; ④ low calcium and hyperphosphatemia: high blood phosphorus and hypocalcemia can stimulate the parathyroid gland, causing secondary parathyroid Hyperthyroidism, leading to bone decalcification, young patients can cause renal rickets, adult patients can cause uremic bone disease; ⑤ hypokalemia and hyperkalemia; hypokalemia and hyperkalemia is uremia arrhythmia And the common cause of sudden death; ⑥ hypermagnesemia.

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