
Three causes of recurrent nephritis

The occurrence of nephritis is no longer a new thing, the relapse of nephritis is high also normal phenomenon!

What should be the choice of dietary therapy for nephritis?
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The reasons for the recurrence of nephritis
1. Unstandardized drug use: this is mainly reflected in the patients' voluntary treatment.
Some patients are reduced subjectively, and use his medicine when the symptoms are remission, which can lead to a recurrence of nephritis.

2. The heritability of white blood cells: some of the leukocyte antigens were found to be congenital, and those with these patients were more likely to have recurrent episodes in the later stages.

3. Affected by infection: the recurrent attacks of nephritis are not associated with the infection of the patient, especially in the case of viral respiratory inflammation, such as a cold.

Because a cold can make urine protein positive, even if cold symptom is good, but some people's albuminuria also does not disappear, it is easy to create condition for the relapse of nephritis.

How to prevent nephritis recrudesce
1. Eat properly
Patients with nephropathy require different nutrients at different times, such as the need for more protein in the early stages of kidney disease, and lower protein intake to prevent kidney function.
You also need to eat fast food, treat the situation with low potassium or potassium, and so on.

2. Moderate drinking water
Most people with nephropathy suffer from edema, and drinking water can effectively prevent the recurrence of kidney disease.
In addition, smoking and alcoholic beverages are recommended for all kidneymates. The risk factor is too high.

3. Low-salt diet
A high-salt diet can lead to a rebound in proteinuria, so it is recommended to keep a low salt diet in your daily life.
Two grams of salt can satisfy our physical needs. Nutritionists recommend that patients with nephropathy should be able to do almost 3g salt every day, no more than 6g, and no salt should be recommended.

4. Guaranteed sleep
The kidney is the organ that hides essence na qi, compensatory in the night, can have the energy to release during the day, lack of sleep is the most easily cause kidney deficit, the kidney deficit relapse also not far.

Don't overwork yourself
The overwork here is not only the exercise and the "tired" after work, but also the exhaustion caused by staying up late, staying in the spirit and not relaxing.
Mentality is the most important

No matter what disease, good mood is a good medicine.
Traditional Chinese medicine divides the mood into anger and sadness, and the corresponding relationship between the internal organs and the internal organs are: to be sad, to be angry, to hurt the liver, to think over the spleen, to be sad, to have a bad kidney.

7. Avoid infection
Infection can induce and aggravate kidney disease, so it is important to reduce infection.

For some cases of chronic occult infection, such as chronic periodontitis, tonsillitis, gynecological inflammation, and anal infection, etc.
Reduce the acute attack of infection should enhance physical exercise, healthy diet, don't always think about what to eat do not know there is no use of health food waste money.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



