
Revealing 15 injured kidney behavior may lead to kidney stones

Kidney commonly known as "kidneys". It is the body of the cleaning workers, responsible for the generation of urine, the body of toxins and metabolic waste excretion, to maintain body fluid balance and body acid and alkali balance. While the kidney is still closely related to sexual and fertility. Singing a lot of people also know the importance of the kidney, but not treat their own kidneys, but do some damage kidney behavior, leading to kidney damage, and even lead to kidney stones.

15 acts most hurt the kidney

1, eat too much salt
It is undeniable that salt can make food taste good, but too much is unhealthy. Like caffeine, salt also increases blood pressure and puts more stress on the kidneys. Ideally, the daily salt intake should be around 5g.

2, eat too much sugar
Eating a lot of sugar will increase the protein content of the blood, and the kidneys must "work overtime" to remove the protein and increase the pressure on the kidneys. In fact, the protein content of urine is a way to check kidney function, too high means that your kidney function has been damaged. Therefore, to eat less sugar.

3, drink too much wine
Alcohol, no doubt harmful to the kidneys and liver. Drink more, means that the liver and kidney need to clean up the toxins, liver and kidney poison is also greater. So keep a sober mind, moderate drinking, protect the kidneys. Excessive drinking, no benefit to any part of the body.

4, drink drink tea
Some people think that drinking wine can drink wine, in fact, this is not only invalid, but also hurt the kidney. Experts said that the tea in the theophylline can quickly affect the kidneys and play a diuretic effect, this time the alcohol has not yet re-decomposition from the kidneys, so that the kidney by a lot of ethanol stimulation, and thus damage the kidney function.

5, excessive drinking drink
Excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks will indirectly damage the kidneys. The pH of the body is 7. These beverages are generally highly acidic, after drinking the body pH changes significantly.

6, animal protein intake too much
Too much animal protein is bad for your kidneys, especially red meat. You do not have to give up meat, you can also find alternatives, such as vegetable protein, including beans and tofu. They are more healthy, and the protein is better digested and absorbed.

7, excessive intake of caffeine
Too much coffee, tea and soda are not only harmful to your kidneys, but also to other parts of the body.
First, caffeine increases blood pressure, adds extra work intensity to the kidneys, and increases abrasion rates.

Second, caffeine is a diuretic, intake of too much body will lose more water, most likely cause dehydration symptoms. The kidneys will not be able to continue to produce urine, it can not continue to excrete metabolic waste.

8, eat too soft bread
Bread and pastry there is a food additive potassium bromate, eat up the taste of soft, but excessive consumption will damage the human central nervous system, blood and kidney.

9, taking excessive painkillers
Often eat ibuprofen, paracetamol and other painkillers, will damage the kidneys and liver. If you have to take medication because of the disease, it is best to find a doctor to replace the same kind of medicine does not damage the kidneys.

10, excessive use of some Chinese herbal medicine
Clinical discovery will be "hurt the kidney" of Chinese herbal medicines are: Tripterygium, Guanmutong, Aunt, Canglang, poppy shell, raw grass Ukraine, so gentleman, Aoki, wide defense and so on. Which is the largest kidney damage caused by Tripterygium, followed by Guanmutong.

11, overeating
Modern dinner opportunities to increase, often eat too much "delicious", most of these waste through the kidneys, eating too much will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys.

12, holding back urine
Long time not on the toilet, hold back urine will bring pressure on the kidneys. Regular row of urine every day, you can support the body's natural purification process. So, when there is convenience, no matter what the busy hands, are the first to solve the urgent problem!

13, the amount of water is not right
In order to produce urine so that the toxins flow out of the body, you need to drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of water, the kidneys to fully collect the waste, and then discharged through the urine. Drinking less, means that the urine is reduced, the body of the waste increased.

However, the water can not be excessive, or else the same burden of kidney, will be subject to certain damage. How to belong to "too much" listen to your belly quasi-right, do not drink up on the line.

14, lack of sleep
The role of sleep, for your whole body and your brain is very important, the kidney is no exception. When you sleep, your body will repair the damaged tissue, including the kidneys. Lack of sleep, the body can not self-repair, the kidney to a bad state to meet the new day, sooner or later "tired".

15, lack of vitamins and minerals
And water, the body also needs vitamins and minerals to keep healthy, especially vitamin B6 and magnesium. Vitamin B6 can be extracted from garlic, tuna, bran and pistachios; magnesium is found in dark green vegetables, tallow, yogurt and bananas and other foods.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



