
Jiucheng people have committed these injuries kidney behavior

Kidney essence deficiency, will lead to visceral dysfunction, triggering a variety of diseases, therefore, health scientists will be the kidney as the focus of anti-aging, following Xiaobian to follow the next to understand it

What are the symptoms of kidney injury?
1, often stay up all night
Men are the head of the family, naturally take up the burden of the family, work often stay up all night to become a common problem of modern men. In addition, the rich nightlife (such as bubble bar, playing games, singing karaoke OK, etc.) also let more men linger.

Once Yin Jing excessive loss, it will over injury injury kidney, dark circles, lack of energy and other symptoms, especially after the age of 40 more prone to kidney. Stay up late for women's injury is also great, because women are overcast, and the night is also overcast, stay up late after the female kidney yin deficiency, prone to kidney yin deficiency.

2, regular smoking, alcoholism
We know that smoking will often hurt the lungs, and in the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, lungs are gold, kidney water, golden water, lung gold and kidney water is the mother-child relationship. In the physiological function, lung and kidney health, that is, lung and kidney with each other, mutual influence. So once the lung qi loss can easily lead to kidney weakness.

Long-term alcohol is easy to hurt the liver, and liver and kidney homology, liver and kidney are closely related, liver blood, kidney essence, essence and blood, mutual breeding and transformation. Once the liver blood hurt, will naturally spread to the kidney.

3, sedentary
Modern people have a very bad working mode, that is, sitting in the office is a morning or afternoon, sedentary will lead to the body's blood meridians blocked, metabolic excretion is slow, prone to backache, back pain, limb numbness symptom.

Plus all day sitting, long fixed a posture easily oppression and kidney phase of the bladder by the bladder, making the bladder by poor blood, naturally will affect the kidney, causing kidney.

4, frequent sexual life
Kidney is the life of our, usually over indulgence, it will hurt the kidney essence, and fine injury is God injury, life of the damage, it will become exhausted, there will be backache, premature aging, forgetfulness and other issues.

5, often holding back urine
Many people usually work busy to stop it, the bathroom naturally "dragged on"; winter night in the warm and comfortable bed, there is no urine to the bathroom. In fact, holding back urine on the body have a lot of adverse effects.

Often holding back urine will make the urine inside the bladder plot more, containing bacteria and toxic substances can not be discharged from the body in time, it is easy to cause cystitis, urethritis and other issues. Severe, urinary tract infection can spread up to the kidney, causing pyelonephritis, and even affect the renal function.

6, abuse of drugs
We usually eat most of the drugs are excreted through the kidneys, if the drug type too much, the dose is too large, it will damage the structure and function of the kidney.

There are whole body boring, dry mouth, do not eat, nausea, anorexia, frequent urination, urgency, nocturia and other symptoms, especially as Somi pain tablets, indomethacin, acetaminophen, aspirin, Some anti-cancer drugs, etc., if the abuse, more likely to cause damage to the kidneys.

7, drink drink tea
As early as the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" in a clear record of the harm of drinking tea: "drink tea injury kidney."

Alcohol first in the liver metabolism, in the role of oxidase was first oxidized to acetaldehyde, and tea in a large number of theophylline can quickly play a diuretic effect, so that the decomposition of acetaldehyde too early into the kidney, and acetaldehyde Urinary system has a lot of damage.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



