
How to prevent attention to five periods of pediatric nephritis

Pediatric nephritis is now more common in a kidney disease, then the parents should be how to prevent nephritis

How to prevent neonatal nephritis
(1) early birth (within one month after birth)
This period from the mother, both in terms of diet and cold temperature regulation need special attention. To promote breastfeeding, breastfeeding to regular quantitative, during the day every 3 to 4 hours a night 6 to 8 hours a time.

(2) infants (1 year old)

This period is the fastest growing period of human growth, diet in addition to milk to increase the auxiliary food to meet the needs of the body development. Due to the body of the stomach is weak, inadequate transport, a little careless, prone to milk stagnation; blood is not filled, bones and muscles weak, can not tolerate the cold and so on the invasion of evil, should strengthen the care, The

(3) early childhood (from 1 year old to 3 years old)
During this period a variety of physiological functions tend to mature, should be weaned, such as breastfeeding too long, not into other food, can make the spleen and stomach, resulting in child malnutrition, affecting development. Children weaning, most of the diet I do not know since the festival, after eating do not know enough, must be appropriate to control the diet, to avoid eating food.

(4) Childhood (from 3 years old to 7 years old)
This period of children filled with blood, resistance to disease increased, mimic strong, can be carried out to adapt to the cultural and sports activities, exercise. Make it a good development and growth.

(5) Childhood (from 7 to 14)
This period of children continue to grow and develop, stomach gas increasingly enriched, then began to sexual development, and into the juvenile period. This period should further strengthen the physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and constantly improve the adaptability of changes in the external environment.

Symptoms and manifestations of pediatric nephropathy
To treat children with kidney disease first to understand its symptoms in order to better treatment, custom treatment program. Whether it is children with kidney disease or adult kidney disease is not obvious early symptoms. Children with nephrotic symptoms of nephropathy is not obvious, not so easy to find, many times once found to have been late, and some have even reached the renal failure (renal failure) late, uremic period.

Kidney eyelid characteristics are obvious when the morning get up, after the activities decreased. Children with nephropathy early produce eyelid edema is the main cause: the kidneys of water excretion and regulation of damage, so that children with kidney disease in the water and sodium increased, excessive water accumulation in the body of the risk of loose, and eyelids are loose crime More parts. Eyelid edema is characterized by the morning to get up when the activity is reduced.

Hematuria is a child kidney disease is more serious a common symptom, and hematuria is also a more difficult to find the symptoms, because the urine of urine and microscopic hematuria of the blood. Naked eye urine is visible to the naked eye, urine color was washed meat like water, turbid and red, and some children with kidney disease in the blood folder with bloodshot eyes or blood clots; and microscopic blood is only observed under the microscope to find , Each high power field under the occult blood (bld) number greater than one. Hematuria is the most common symptom of most children with chronic kidney disease. Of course, the cause of hematuria is numerous, kidney disease is only one of them.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



