
How to do the cold early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, due to the relatively fragile body immunity, the cold is a very easy thing to happen, the cold if not well protected, it is likely that because of a small cold on the health caused by many hazards, affecting the health of the fetus, in order to better To solve unnecessary problems during pregnancy occurred, in this section for everyone to understand the early pregnancy how to do a cold?

In the early days of pregnancy, the cold is very annoying thing. If the general cold, the symptoms are lighter, just flow clear tears, sneezing, no fever, throat pain and other serious symptoms, the embryo, the fetus generally will not have an impact, do not have medication, pay attention to appropriate activities, drink plenty of water , Rest a few days will generally be good. In the 5-14 weeks of pregnancy, fetal embryonic development is the time, if suffering from influenza, and the symptoms are heavy, often a greater impact on the fetus, medication here also have a greater risk of the fetus, when the cold is often Seriously affect the prenatal and postnatal care.

What about colds in the early stages of pregnancy? We all know that there are more than 300 kinds of influenza virus related to human beings. At present, there are 13 kinds of viruses which can affect the growth and development of the fetus after infection. The emergence of low energy, mental retardation, various deformities, premature birth, abortion, Even stillbirths. Early pregnancy, pregnant women, respiratory function was significantly changed in 18 weeks of pregnancy pregnant women's oxygen consumption increased by 10% -20%, of which half of the fetus consumed. While the lung ventilation increased by 40%, in order to achieve the pregnant women themselves and fetal oxygen demand, pregnant women are often excessive ventilation to absorb oxygen. Fetal in the mother without breathing function, the required oxygen completely by the mother's inhalation. Due to excessive ventilation, inhalation of more dust, coupled with pregnant women nose, pharynx, trachea and other respiratory mucosal congestion, edema is prone to upper respiratory tract infection.

Pregnant women cold, especially in the early pregnancy cold, as long as the body temperature increased by more than 38 degrees, it should go to the hospital for treatment, not taking their own drugs. That the cold is not a serious idea, the cold does not require the practice of doctors, are wrong. Some people think that traditional Chinese medicine side effects, you can take their own, this approach is wrong, the need for dialectical use of traditional Chinese medicine, the need for evidence, say, Chinese medicine also have side effects, a lot of treatment of cold Chinese medicine, pregnant women can not take,

The above is for everyone to explain the cold is how to do the early pregnancy, we should seriously treat the cold early pregnancy, and actively do a good job of cold care, in order to effectively solve the negative effects of colds.

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