
How does kidney cysts eat?

Renal cyst is a more common kidney disease, although compared with some kidney disease less harmful, but its damage to the body can not be ignored, so after suffering from the disease must be early check and treatment. In addition to drug treatment, renal cyst patients usually have to pay attention to diet, to maintain a good eating habits. Here's a look at how the daily diet of patients with renal cysts is good.

(Including pepper, alcohol, shrimp, crab, etc.), contaminated do not eat (including rotten deterioration, leftovers, etc.) ), Barbecue do not eat, and renal insufficiency or uremia should also pay attention to beans and their products do not eat, limit the animal high protein food, greasy food.

2. Water intake: a variety of kidney disease due to different causes of disease, different course, treatment is not the same. In mild renal failure, due to decreased renal function, the body of metabolites need more water from the kidneys, so kidney disease without obvious edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly limit water. Special reminders are those patients with chronic renal failure, do not think that kidney failure must be strictly limited moisture, if too much water can easily increase the deterioration of renal function.

3. Salt intake: control of salt, according to the patient's condition and renal function to adjust, not all of the patients with chronic renal insufficiency should be strictly limited salt.

4. Note: to avoid severe physical activity and abdominal trauma, renal enlargement is more obvious when the belt should be replaced with a belt, so as not to cause cyst rupture; generally half a year review (including blood pressure, urine, renal function and B ultrasound); avoid everything Nephrotoxic drugs; relatives (parents, brothers and sisters and children) for B-ultrasound.

5. speak nutrition, renal cysts should be eaten with high quality protein foods, pay attention to high fiber, high vitamin food supplement and low fat, appropriate sugar diet.

6. not a partial eclipse, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pig lean meat, eggs, milk, fish and other edible.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



