
Effective prevention and treatment of insomnia small recipe

Sleep can effectively supplement the energy needed by the human body. But in recent years, more and more people join the ranks of insomnia. What is the reason for this group of people growing? The reason is that the wrong way to sleep to blame the trouble.

Sleep is very important for people, sleep is the best way to add strength. But more and more people insomnia, this is because of the wrong way to sleep caused. Yes, sleep is also the right way. Daily health recently broke a new tactics, it will tell you how to sleep will not sleep, and what way to sleep.

1, do not eat before going to bed Meng drink. Before eating about two hours to eat a small amount of dinner, do not drink too much water, because the evening will continue to affect the quality of sleep on the toilet. Do not eat spicy foods rich in fat at night, because these foods will also affect sleep.

2, adhere to the regular schedule, do not sleep too late in the weekend If you sleep late on Saturday night, then you may be insomnia on Sunday night.

3, keep the room cooler. Lower bedroom temperature helps to sleep.

4, keep quiet. Turn off the TV and radio, because quiet to improve the quality of sleep is very useful.

5, sleep to be in the evening. Daytime nap may cause night sleep time to be "deprived". Daytime sleep time is strictly controlled within 1 hour and can not sleep after 3 pm.

6, comfortable bed. A comfortable bed gives you a good sleep space. In addition, you have to determine whether the bed is spacious enough.

7, before going to bed away from coffee and nicotine. I suggest you do not drink coffee for eight hours before going to bed. 3, keep the room cooler. Lower bedroom temperature helps to sleep.

8, choose exercise time. Afternoon exercise is the best time to help sleep, and regular physical exercise can improve the quality of sleep at night.

9, take a bath before going to bed. A hot bath before going to sleep can help you relax your muscles and make you sleep better.

10, do not rely on sleeping pills. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking a sleeping pill and suggest that you take a sleeping pills for no more than four weeks.

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