
What is the reason for the treatment of kidney deficiency

Speaking of kidney many people think that only boys will have kidney problems, it is not true, girls will have kidney problems. For example, cold, easy fatigue, love angry, lack of concentration, back pain, hair loss, insomnia, etc., to the girls brought a lot of trouble, so need to keep abreast of the reasons for treatment. So what is the reason for girls kidney deficiency? How to treat kidney effect?

What is the reason for girls kidney deficiency?
1, moody, big temper

Say that angry is to take other people's mistakes to punish themselves, angry will not only sad, liver injury, while the damage to the kidney function is also very large, because the emotional instability will directly affect a person's endocrine, blood circulation, thus affecting Function of the five internal organs.

2, acquired factors
It should be said that the acquired factor is caused by female kidney deficiency a major culprit, such as bad habits, work pressure is too large, moody these are likely to directly cause kidney problems.

3, the blind use of Chinese herbal medicine
Experts said that the blind use of Chinese herbal medicine is also the main cause of decreased renal function, many people mistakenly believe that Chinese herbal medicine will not cause any impact on health, in fact, like Guanmutong, Aoki, Tripterygium common Chinese medicine if used improperly , It will also affect the damage of renal function.

4, holding back urine
Many women in life have the habit of holding back, by the night or work busy, and holding back urine will make a lot of bacteria in the entire ureter breeding, easily lead to nephritis, urinary tract infection and other issues, and even may Cause acute uremia. So for the female friends, holding back the great harm.

5, stay up late to work overtime
This is also caused by a modern female kidney of a person to reason, the body's kidney function at night is the need to get a rest of the time, and this time when the rest if there is no guarantee, then not only the kidney function, that is, other functions will be subject to Damaged.

6, congenital factors
Congenital factors are caused by female kidney deficiency is one of the most important reasons, such as the birth of the parents of the essence of blood deficiency, children will have more kidney problems. Chinese medicine that a variety of kidney deficiency, such as kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, kidney qi and this and a person's congenital constitution has a great relationship.
For congenital factors caused by kidney deficiency, it is necessary from the root conditioning, the first physical problems can be targeted to solve the problem of kidney deficiency.

How to treat kidney effect?
1, often playing tai chi
Practice tai chi, it is best in the morning in the fresh air of the park, under the tree, the water side.

2, every day self-massage waist
Two palms on the rub, to the palm of the hand heat, were placed on both sides of the waist, palm to the skin, up and down massage the waist, to have a heat so far. Sooner or later each time, about 200 times each time.

3, rub the soles of the feet every day
Hands rub the palm of the hand, the left hand rub the right soles of the feet to the right hand rub the left soles of the feet, sooner or later the 1, each time under the rub 300.

4, to ensure adequate sleep
Because the kidney is very easy to fatigue women, so rest is very important. Sleep must ensure that there are eight hours, and to ensure that the quality of sleep is very good, if always easy to wake up a dream, then you can drink a cup of hot milk in sleep, this can improve the quality of sleep, but do not sleep more than eight hours , Sleep too long is also easy to tired.

5, every day to do the rectal movement
Body relax, natural breathing. Exhale, do shrink anal movements, breathing when relaxed, repeated about 30 times.

6, eat yam
Yam has a lot of benefits, the most important thing is to kidney and kidney, so the regulation of kidney deficiency is absolutely no less is the yam. Yam also contains a lot of nutrients, not just for kidney friends. Also need to remind the kidney friends, eat cold food, spicy stimulation is also need to avoid the mouth. Anyway, from the mouth, the health of the diet must pay more attention.

7, every day to do a simple gymnastics (if there is time, can also be done repeatedly)
(1), two feet parallel, foot shoulder width, visual front, arms naturally drooping, palms attached to the pants seam, fingers naturally open. Heel lift, continuous breathing 9 times.
(2), heel landing, inhale, slowly kneel squat, his hands back gradually turn the tiger's mouth on the ankle. Hand close to the ground, a little hard to grasp the fist (with the meaning of the matter), suck enough gas.
(3), suffocating, the body gradually stood up, his hands drooping, and gradually clenched fist.
(4), breath, body upright, arms outside the twist, boxing forward, elbow from both sides of the squeeze soft ribs, while the body and heel forced to mention, and levator ani, breathing.



