
Massage four points to kidney

Health is very important for men, because the strength of the kidney determines the degree of physical health, so male friends to properly protect their own kidney health. Of course, in addition to exercise the body of daily life, eat some food on the kidney, control the way husband and wife, but also through the massage of some of the points to reach the purpose of kidney care kidney.

 Massage four points to kidney

● rubbing according to pubic region: pubic region is located in the navel next inch to two inches, the equivalent of Shimen point position.
Method is rubbing his hands, massage in the belly pubic region 30-50 times. Pubic region is the infuriating, really fine cohesion, for the human life of the country.
This method commonly used, can enhance the body's immune function, improve the body's resistance, so as to achieve the purpose of strong kidney solid, can Jian Shen Gujing, and improve gastrointestinal function, is conducive to longevity.

 ● rub the waist: rubbing his hands after pressing the waist, rubbing 30 times. "Waist for the kidney of the House" rub the waist can be dug through the veins, enhance kidney function.

 ● by Shen Yu: Shenshu points in the second and third lumbar intercourse on both sides of the inch, his hands rub up with the palm of your hand back and forth massage fifty to sixty times, both sides at the same time or alternately. On the kidney and other low back pain prevention and treatment.

 ● Mo Yongquan: Yongquan points in the heart of depression, for the foot of the kidney by the first hole.
Method is to use the right hand three fingers massage left foot heart, with the left hand three fingers massage right foot, left and right alternately, the massage sixty to eighty times to the foot of the fever so far, strong gluten Jianbu, cited virtual fire down, Feet weak and so have the role of prevention and treatment.

 Above four law, followed by the line, sooner or later each time, perennial constantly, must be effective.

 Kidney strong waist self-exercise method

Flexion and extension: legs open, shoulder width, hands and waist, and then do the waist full of flexion and extension of the full 5 times ~ 10 times. Exercise to try to make the waist muscles to relax.

Alternating tapping: legs open, legs slightly bent, arms drooping naturally, double in half fist. Turn left and turn right again. At the same time, arms with the waist around the rotation and before and after the natural swing, his hands one after another, alternating tapping the lower back and lower abdomen, so continuous about 30 times.

Hands to climb: try to reach the maximum degree of backwardness. Paused for a moment, then the body flexion, his hands down, so that hands touch the feet as much as possible, and then pause, and then restore the original position. Can be done 10 times to 15 times.

Arch bridge: supine bed, forced to raise the buttocks, such as arch bridge. With the progress of exercise, you can put your arms on the chest, only the feet and the back as the fulcrum (3 points support) to exercise.

 To kidney essence, kidney health, health massage is an effective way, interested male friends may wish to try.



