The prognosis of acute renal failure, and cause the primary disease of renal failure type, the occurrence and treatment of complications, the severity of kidney lesions are closely related. Many dialysis centers reported 34 to 65 percent mortality in patients with acute renal failure and 42 percent for a group of 1350 patients. Mortality rate was 58 percent for patients over 51 years and mortality in patients under 50 years of age 31%. The factors that affect prognosis and mortality are described below.
(A) the nature and severity of primary disease
Common causes of acute renal failure are the original disease: trauma, infection, other organ lesions and cytoplasmosis and so on.
1. trauma: wartime trauma caused by acute renal failure, and wound injury are closely related. In recent years due to the development of transport, so that the injured in a short period of time after the injury can reach the hospital, severe trauma such as crush injury, burns, traumatic shock, wound infection and so can be dealt with in a timely manner. As a result, the number of acute renal failure statistics has declined significantly.
2. infection: biliary or gastrointestinal surgery, some antibiotics resistant to bacteria often cause sepsis or bloody shock; severe acute pyelonephritis, renal papillary necrosis, can lead to acute renal failure, often difficult to effectively treat The
3. Other organs of the primary disease: such as acute myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, abdominal visceral perforation, can lead to renal failure. If the active and effective treatment of renal failure, the patient may not die of uremia, but can die of serious primary disease.
4. Cytoplasmosis: barbiturate acute poisoning can occur quickly shock, anuria, pulmonary edema and death. Carbon tetrachloride poisoning, and sometimes cause acute renal tubular necrosis at the same time a wide range of liver damage, and even acute yellow liver atrophy; acute renal failure if the rescue success, the patient can die of liver failure. Other lethal cytoplasmic poisoning such as arsenic vapor, anilin, mercuric chloride, biogas, etc., can be found in amino acid urinary and renal tubular damage.
(B) complications
The incidence of complications often affects prognosis. Acute renal failure to get rid of bleeding, anemia, the main complications seen in the nervous system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, and nutritional complications.
1. neurological complications: the current can not be separated from a neurotoxin, many biochemical changes (acidosis, alkalosis, potassium poisoning, waterosis, calcium deficiency, magnesium too much, etc.), contributed to neurological complications, Not a single factor. Symptoms are temporary limb paralysis, hemiplegia, aphasia, deafness, blindness, and attention can not be concentrated, confused, insanity, delirium, spasm, coma and so on. Sometimes there are barriers to autonomic nervous system, such as miosis, leakage, vagal nerve stimulation caused by heart rate, Chen Shi's breathing and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and so on. Even the presence of varying degrees of central nervous system involvement symptoms, olfactory nerve, optic nerve, auditory nerve, vestibular nerve more easily involved, it is difficult to react with drugs (streptomycin, etc.) identification. Chronic uremic patients sometimes appear suddenly blind, occasionally seen in patients with acute uremia.
The pathogenesis of three: (1) malignant hypertension caused by direct damage to the retina, nipple edema, retinal hemorrhage. (2) omental cortical embolism phlebitis. (3) optic neuritis, if the ophthalmoscope can not see the exception, and sometimes pay attention to correct biochemical changes. Temporary facial paralysis, is also a more common complication
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Daily life notice of renal failure
1, not eat spicy, seafood, hair, beans, soy products, dried fruit and easy to lit things.
2, avoid eating deer, cattle, sheep, chicken, goose, dog, donkey and its cream soup, bone soup and so on.
3, edema patients should be low salt; no swollen people do not avoid salt; hematuria mainly should drink water.
4, moderate exercise, keep walking every day. But to avoid violent activity and fatigue.
5, to prevent colds, to avoid cold; do not eat health supplements, tonic, to prevent lit weight gain.
6, be sure to establish confidence, adhere to the treatment, adjust the mood, to maintain peace of mind and optimism.
7, renal failure uremic patients should eat half a pound of milk a day, an egg, a two lean meat.
8, to maintain smooth stool. Daily defecation 2 to 3 times is appropriate. Fang if the rhubarb (another package), according to defecation situation to increase or decrease their dosage.
9, high blood potassium who can not eat high potassium foods such as seafood, mushrooms, ham, edible fungus, dried fruit, magnolia, bananas, citrus, potatoes, radish dry, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on.
10, high blood uric acid, especially not eat animal offal, shrimp and crab mussel, beer, mushrooms, beans (including beans), spinach, celery and so on.
11, high blood pressure should take antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure; have taken hormones, should be under the guidance of the physician in the amount of reduction; acid poisoning should be timely service of baking soda to correct acidosis.
12, banned containing the wood pass, wide anti-self, Aoki, Aristolochia and other drugs into the medicine and decoction.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
2, avoid eating deer, cattle, sheep, chicken, goose, dog, donkey and its cream soup, bone soup and so on.
3, edema patients should be low salt; no swollen people do not avoid salt; hematuria mainly should drink water.
4, moderate exercise, keep walking every day. But to avoid violent activity and fatigue.
5, to prevent colds, to avoid cold; do not eat health supplements, tonic, to prevent lit weight gain.
6, be sure to establish confidence, adhere to the treatment, adjust the mood, to maintain peace of mind and optimism.
7, renal failure uremic patients should eat half a pound of milk a day, an egg, a two lean meat.
8, to maintain smooth stool. Daily defecation 2 to 3 times is appropriate. Fang if the rhubarb (another package), according to defecation situation to increase or decrease their dosage.
9, high blood potassium who can not eat high potassium foods such as seafood, mushrooms, ham, edible fungus, dried fruit, magnolia, bananas, citrus, potatoes, radish dry, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on.
10, high blood uric acid, especially not eat animal offal, shrimp and crab mussel, beer, mushrooms, beans (including beans), spinach, celery and so on.
11, high blood pressure should take antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure; have taken hormones, should be under the guidance of the physician in the amount of reduction; acid poisoning should be timely service of baking soda to correct acidosis.
12, banned containing the wood pass, wide anti-self, Aoki, Aristolochia and other drugs into the medicine and decoction.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Kidney failure diet
The diet of patients with renal failure mainly from the salt, protein, serum potassium, calcium, phosphorus and water and other aspects to provide practical advice. Renal failure in patients with dietary attention, low salt and low sodium.
Chronic renal failure with hypertension and edema of patients, to limit the sodium and sodium-rich foods, if necessary, with salt-free diet. When using diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should not limit sodium salt.
Chronic renal failure, high potassium should be limited to potassium foods, to avoid eating fruit juice, carefully selected vegetables and fruits. Mainly to high-quality protein, wheat starch is often used as the main source of heat. Renal failure in patients with dietary attention. Corn starch can also be used to replace rice and flour.
Second, can also be used with high calorie, low protein food as the main source of heat, such as potatoes, yam, taro, sweet potatoes, lotus root, pumpkin, fans, water chestnuts, lotus root starch, water chestnut powder, water chestnut powder. Food containing non-essential amino acids should be limited to food, such as dry beans, soy products, hard fruit and cereals.
Chronic renal failure is important to ensure that the body water balance. In compliance with the doctor's advice, the liquid supplement, to prevent excessive water intake, due to difficult discharge caused by severe swelling.
In some patients with chronic renal failure, there may be elevated blood phosphorus and blood calcium phenomenon, and therefore induced osteoporosis. The ideal diet should increase the calcium content to reduce the phosphorus content. Calcium-rich foods are mik, green leafy vegetables, sesame and so on. Cooking fish and lean meat, boiled with water out, and then stir, can reduce the fish, meat, phosphorus content.
How to prevent renal failure?
First, attention to physical factors. Life, systemic lupus erythematosus close relatives incidence of up to 5% to 12%, with the same incidence of twin eggs up to 69%, lupus patients relatives of other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, Psoriasis and other incidence is also high, it is prompted by the genetic factors affected by lupus. Patients should be highly vigilant, once the illness should think of autoimmune diseases, once suffering from autoimmune diseases, should be actively treated.
Second, the active treatment of viral infection. Patients with viral infection, it may be related to the occurrence of systemic lupus erythematosus. We need to pay attention to the active treatment of various viral infections, to prevent the induced kidney failure.
Third, pay attention to drug toxicity. Life, and lupus erythematosus-related drugs are hydralazine, procaine amide and other drugs, and the attack may be related to the drug in the hydrazine, amine, mercapto group, the need for patients to pay attention.
lf you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Chronic renal failure with hypertension and edema of patients, to limit the sodium and sodium-rich foods, if necessary, with salt-free diet. When using diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should not limit sodium salt.
Chronic renal failure, high potassium should be limited to potassium foods, to avoid eating fruit juice, carefully selected vegetables and fruits. Mainly to high-quality protein, wheat starch is often used as the main source of heat. Renal failure in patients with dietary attention. Corn starch can also be used to replace rice and flour.
Second, can also be used with high calorie, low protein food as the main source of heat, such as potatoes, yam, taro, sweet potatoes, lotus root, pumpkin, fans, water chestnuts, lotus root starch, water chestnut powder, water chestnut powder. Food containing non-essential amino acids should be limited to food, such as dry beans, soy products, hard fruit and cereals.
Chronic renal failure is important to ensure that the body water balance. In compliance with the doctor's advice, the liquid supplement, to prevent excessive water intake, due to difficult discharge caused by severe swelling.
In some patients with chronic renal failure, there may be elevated blood phosphorus and blood calcium phenomenon, and therefore induced osteoporosis. The ideal diet should increase the calcium content to reduce the phosphorus content. Calcium-rich foods are mik, green leafy vegetables, sesame and so on. Cooking fish and lean meat, boiled with water out, and then stir, can reduce the fish, meat, phosphorus content.
How to prevent renal failure?
First, attention to physical factors. Life, systemic lupus erythematosus close relatives incidence of up to 5% to 12%, with the same incidence of twin eggs up to 69%, lupus patients relatives of other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, Psoriasis and other incidence is also high, it is prompted by the genetic factors affected by lupus. Patients should be highly vigilant, once the illness should think of autoimmune diseases, once suffering from autoimmune diseases, should be actively treated.
Second, the active treatment of viral infection. Patients with viral infection, it may be related to the occurrence of systemic lupus erythematosus. We need to pay attention to the active treatment of various viral infections, to prevent the induced kidney failure.
Third, pay attention to drug toxicity. Life, and lupus erythematosus-related drugs are hydralazine, procaine amide and other drugs, and the attack may be related to the drug in the hydrazine, amine, mercapto group, the need for patients to pay attention.
lf you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Chronic kidney disease can live long patient diet attention to low protein
Chronic kidney disease has become one of the important issues affecting public health, so many people are also worried about the disease and life problems. Experts pointed out that patients with chronic kidney disease need to grasp the two important basic points in the diet: First, long-term adherence to low-protein diet, the second is to learn to exchange and choose a flexible food.
How long can chronic kidney disease live?
Experts pointed out that there is no clear answer to this question, chronic kidney disease is a chronic disease, and some disease control disease control is good, you can live for many years, if the patient has been deteriorating condition, this is not a clear time. Th
erefore, the patient is very relevant to the control of the disease.
1, chronic kidney disease treatment to prevent or delay the further deterioration of renal function; to improve or alleviate clinical symptoms; such as reducing edema, correct anemia, control of hypertension; prevention and treatment of serious complications such as infection, water and electrolyte imbalance, Failure and so on.
2, active control of blood pressure can control blood pressure in the ideal range, is to prevent chronic kidney disease continue to develop, delay the key to renal damage.
3, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors for the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis, in addition to a clear antihypertensive effect, but also can reduce the glomerular pressure, there is delay Renal function deterioration, reduce urinary protein and reduce the role of glomerular sclerosis. Commonly used AcEI drugs are: Monroe, Yashida, enalapril, open Broadcom and so on.
4, anticoagulant and platelet depolymerization of drug use studies have shown that these drugs have a good role in the stability of renal function, but also to a certain extent reduce the renal pathological damage. Commonly used anticoagulant drugs are: heparin, warfarin; antiplatelet drugs commonly used: dipyridamole (dipyridamole), aspirin and so on.
5, should be selected according to the specific circumstances of the use of hormones and cytotoxic drugs, avoid blind use.
6, the prevention and treatment of other factors can cause kidney damage avoid using renal toxicity and easy to induce renal damage drugs, such as gentamicin, sulfonamides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Dietary Principles of Patients with Chronic Nephropathy
A low-protein diet to be less and fine
The body of the protein in the non-stop synthesis, decomposition of the metabolic process, people eat meat or tofu, the first protein in the stomach and intestinal digestion (broken down into 20 kinds of amino acids), amino acids and then absorbed into the blood by the intestinal tract The
A key issue in nutritional treatment for chronic kidney disease is the ideal intake of protein. Some people think that the daily protein intake must be less than 0.38g per kilogram of body weight, "standard" is recommended per kilogram of body weight 0.6g ~ 0.8g, and should be used with essential amino acids more high-quality protein foods such as milk, eggs , Lean meat, fish, chicken and so on.
And many people think that "eat beans rot kidney", many doctors and patients are tofu "at arm's length", easy to ignore soy protein is also a high-quality protein. In fact simply from the protein point of view, there is no need to over-limit, take it as meat is no problem.
Patients with uremia should limit the "poor quality" protein contained in cereals. At present, try to try wheat starch as the staple food instead of wheat flour and rice. Wheat starch is extracted from the protein extracted from wheat flour, and the protein content of wheat flour is reduced from 9.9% to 0.6%. With wheat starch as the main source of daily energy supply to patients, can reduce the intake of non-essential amino acid intake.
Second, learn to adjust the diet according to the condition
Nutritional status of kidney patients is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life, complication rate and survival rate, but the incidence of malnutrition is still high (30% to 60%) for various reasons. Patients should note the following:
1, timely check and assess the nutritional status, and take effective measures to actively adjust to improve the quality of life and long-term survival, such as maintaining weight and hand strength, maintaining laboratory indicators.
2, as far as possible in limiting the intake of protein within the scope of supply of high-quality protein, so as to ensure the needs of human protein metabolism, reduce tissue protein decomposition. When the symptoms disappear, blood urea nitrogen returned to normal the situation is stable for some time, you can gradually increase the amount of protein intake in the diet, the daily supply of high quality protein evenly distributed in three meals a day to better play the complementary role of protein The
3, the daily must ensure adequate energy, can be combined with carbohydrate-based carbohydrate and vegetable oil-based monounsaturated fatty acids constitute the main source of energy.
4, accurate electrolyte intake, away from hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia. Diet in the supply of salt according to the patient's edema and disease needs to be flexible to maintain the electrolyte and acid-base balance. If the patient with hyperkalemia, the diet should be careful to eat fruits and vegetables, cooking can be used in a large number of water to reduce the potassium content.
Third, to learn to exchange and choose food
1, limit the total protein intake. Wheat starch (or other starch) can be used as the staple food instead of rice, flour, in the limit of protein intake within the choice of milk, eggs and aquatic meat containing high quality protein food as the main source of protein. Can be used to replace some of the staple food, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, lotus root, water chestnuts, yam, taro, pumpkin and so on.
2, restricted food In addition to the quantitative supply of animal protein food, other foods containing high animal and plant protein are within the control range, such as soy and its products, nuts and food category.
3, according to the needs of the disease, in addition to the need to limit the amount of high potassium foods (carefully selected fruits, potatoes, potato starch, vegetables) patients, the rest of the patients can choose fruit, vegetables.
4, the patient eating less, can be added in the diet cooking starch and vegetable oils, in order to achieve high calorie intake.
In addition, it is recommended that patients eat favorite and the right food, adhere to the appropriate exercise, away from alcohol and tobacco, to maintain a healthy and healthy state of life. These are very positive for the control and treatment of the disease.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
How long can chronic kidney disease live?
Experts pointed out that there is no clear answer to this question, chronic kidney disease is a chronic disease, and some disease control disease control is good, you can live for many years, if the patient has been deteriorating condition, this is not a clear time. Th
erefore, the patient is very relevant to the control of the disease.
1, chronic kidney disease treatment to prevent or delay the further deterioration of renal function; to improve or alleviate clinical symptoms; such as reducing edema, correct anemia, control of hypertension; prevention and treatment of serious complications such as infection, water and electrolyte imbalance, Failure and so on.
2, active control of blood pressure can control blood pressure in the ideal range, is to prevent chronic kidney disease continue to develop, delay the key to renal damage.
3, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors for the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis, in addition to a clear antihypertensive effect, but also can reduce the glomerular pressure, there is delay Renal function deterioration, reduce urinary protein and reduce the role of glomerular sclerosis. Commonly used AcEI drugs are: Monroe, Yashida, enalapril, open Broadcom and so on.
4, anticoagulant and platelet depolymerization of drug use studies have shown that these drugs have a good role in the stability of renal function, but also to a certain extent reduce the renal pathological damage. Commonly used anticoagulant drugs are: heparin, warfarin; antiplatelet drugs commonly used: dipyridamole (dipyridamole), aspirin and so on.
5, should be selected according to the specific circumstances of the use of hormones and cytotoxic drugs, avoid blind use.
6, the prevention and treatment of other factors can cause kidney damage avoid using renal toxicity and easy to induce renal damage drugs, such as gentamicin, sulfonamides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Dietary Principles of Patients with Chronic Nephropathy
A low-protein diet to be less and fine
The body of the protein in the non-stop synthesis, decomposition of the metabolic process, people eat meat or tofu, the first protein in the stomach and intestinal digestion (broken down into 20 kinds of amino acids), amino acids and then absorbed into the blood by the intestinal tract The
A key issue in nutritional treatment for chronic kidney disease is the ideal intake of protein. Some people think that the daily protein intake must be less than 0.38g per kilogram of body weight, "standard" is recommended per kilogram of body weight 0.6g ~ 0.8g, and should be used with essential amino acids more high-quality protein foods such as milk, eggs , Lean meat, fish, chicken and so on.
And many people think that "eat beans rot kidney", many doctors and patients are tofu "at arm's length", easy to ignore soy protein is also a high-quality protein. In fact simply from the protein point of view, there is no need to over-limit, take it as meat is no problem.
Patients with uremia should limit the "poor quality" protein contained in cereals. At present, try to try wheat starch as the staple food instead of wheat flour and rice. Wheat starch is extracted from the protein extracted from wheat flour, and the protein content of wheat flour is reduced from 9.9% to 0.6%. With wheat starch as the main source of daily energy supply to patients, can reduce the intake of non-essential amino acid intake.
Second, learn to adjust the diet according to the condition
Nutritional status of kidney patients is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life, complication rate and survival rate, but the incidence of malnutrition is still high (30% to 60%) for various reasons. Patients should note the following:
1, timely check and assess the nutritional status, and take effective measures to actively adjust to improve the quality of life and long-term survival, such as maintaining weight and hand strength, maintaining laboratory indicators.
2, as far as possible in limiting the intake of protein within the scope of supply of high-quality protein, so as to ensure the needs of human protein metabolism, reduce tissue protein decomposition. When the symptoms disappear, blood urea nitrogen returned to normal the situation is stable for some time, you can gradually increase the amount of protein intake in the diet, the daily supply of high quality protein evenly distributed in three meals a day to better play the complementary role of protein The
3, the daily must ensure adequate energy, can be combined with carbohydrate-based carbohydrate and vegetable oil-based monounsaturated fatty acids constitute the main source of energy.
4, accurate electrolyte intake, away from hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia. Diet in the supply of salt according to the patient's edema and disease needs to be flexible to maintain the electrolyte and acid-base balance. If the patient with hyperkalemia, the diet should be careful to eat fruits and vegetables, cooking can be used in a large number of water to reduce the potassium content.
Third, to learn to exchange and choose food
1, limit the total protein intake. Wheat starch (or other starch) can be used as the staple food instead of rice, flour, in the limit of protein intake within the choice of milk, eggs and aquatic meat containing high quality protein food as the main source of protein. Can be used to replace some of the staple food, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, lotus root, water chestnuts, yam, taro, pumpkin and so on.
2, restricted food In addition to the quantitative supply of animal protein food, other foods containing high animal and plant protein are within the control range, such as soy and its products, nuts and food category.
3, according to the needs of the disease, in addition to the need to limit the amount of high potassium foods (carefully selected fruits, potatoes, potato starch, vegetables) patients, the rest of the patients can choose fruit, vegetables.
4, the patient eating less, can be added in the diet cooking starch and vegetable oils, in order to achieve high calorie intake.
In addition, it is recommended that patients eat favorite and the right food, adhere to the appropriate exercise, away from alcohol and tobacco, to maintain a healthy and healthy state of life. These are very positive for the control and treatment of the disease.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Does the dialysis exactly can or not cure uremia? The results have been confirmed!
The one is dialysis, other one is kidney transplant; But a lot of ordinary people can’t afford the cost of kidney transplant, so many patients choose dialysis.
But there is have a question, does the dialysis exactly can or not cure uremia?
It is undeniable that: dialysis can maintain a normal level of physical toxins in patients with nephropathy, maintaining kidney disease patients can live.
Why to say that? Because dialysis has durative.
Patients always ask me: “Whether or not dialysis several times, then I can don’t need dialysis?” or “ Dialysis one month, creatinine level lower to 500, then I can don’t need dialysis?”
This is impossible. In addition to acute renal failure, through dialysis about a month, the creatinine level may be recovery. Then, the don’t need dialysis. Most of chronic kidney disease is almost need always dialysis for life.
Because after dialysis creatinine may drop to 200-300, but in the two dialysis interval, kidney disease patient need take all kinds of food to keep the body running.
Due to renal dysfunction, kidney can’t elimination of toxins, only can accumulate in the body. The next dialysis the creatinine may return to the original level.
So, only can through again dialysis discharge the toxins from the body.
This cycle can not be terminated. And dialysis is only to maintain life, can not cure uremia.
Dialysis since it can not treat uremia, then why so many patients choose dialysis? What is the final goal for dialysis?
The primary role of dialysis is discharge the toxins and water in the body. Through the dialysis, patients can feel better of the body.
The patient through the dialysis can maintain the better normal daily life, they can even have daily communication. Patient has the spirit, then they have the ability to do more things.
In summary: Although dialysis can not cure uremia, but can extend our life time, let us have better life!
How to eliminate occult blood in the urine
Occult blood is the cracked red cells in the urine
The normal condition is that the occult blood should be negative, i.e. -, or it will be positive,i.e.+
Why red cells will crack ? There are two reasons:
Physiological causes: excepting Menstrual Cycle of women, strenuous exercise and much water intake might cause to occult blood in the urine, but it will disappear in a short time, do not harm to our body.
Pathological causes: the most common reason is infection, such as urinary infection and kidney infection, the second common reason of occult blood is stone, whether it is kidney stone or is ureteral calculus or is bladder stone. The third reason is tumour, which is a risk condition.
There are many kinds of kidney disease will cause to occult blood, which includes acute glomerular disease, chronic glomerular nephritis, iga nephropathy and so on. Especially for chronic nephritis, intermittent occult blood in the early stage, which is easy to neglect for no other symptoms. This is why chronic nephritis also be called as” invisible killers”
How to treat occult blood?
Occult blood is a difficulty for many patients with kidney disease, for protein is easy to control. It can turn to be negative with steroid. But occult blood is always difficult to eliminate, the condition that protein has been negative, but occult blood still is positive happens usually. Diminishing inflammation is a common treating measure, because the reason of occult blood appears for inflammation caused by infection. However, kidney is a very important organ, its function influence the difficult of treating. So steroids and antibiotic medicine usually be used to restrain the illness deterioration, this is also a reason of why occult is so difficult to eliminate.
What treatment options we choose ?
Same with proteinuria treatment, we also treat occult blood from cells
Due to oral medicine is difficult to reach at the kidney and take effects, so we create some new treatment ways such as Du-moxibustion, Du-steamed, micro-chinese medicine osmotherapy, medicated bath, etc,the medicines effects are easier to reach at kidney through kinds of treatment options. These medicine can improve ischemic condition of cells and stop the process of cells deterioration and maintain kidney function effectively,based on this idea, we can eliminate occult blood effectively.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
How best kidney fast 4 good habit to keep you away from kidney disease
Kidney is an important organ of the human body, if the kidney function is not good, a lot of waste is difficult to excrete from the urine, the body will go wrong. In fact, the best way to kidney and kidney is to develop good habits, from all aspects of foot measures to prevent kidney disease!
1, do not eat high salt food
Diet is the basis for people to survive, health care, scientific and reasonable diet can make people have a healthy body, on the contrary, unscientific, unreasonable diet will hurt the body. Now the society, people's diet more and more attention to meticulous, exquisite food is undoubtedly excellent, and on the taste, heavy oil, heavy salt, heavy spicy food, has become a lot of people like to eat food.
The five flavors of food, if too much biased in a certain kind, then it is undoubtedly a bad thing, heavy salt food people like. But do not want to eat a long time salty heavier food, not only will hurt the body, the kidney will cause great harm.
The number of edible salt should be controlled within a certain range, scientific salt intake, up to 6g per day can, and this number can also health care body, but when eating too much, it will hurt the body. This situation is the traditional Chinese medicine that the kidney bone marrow, the body's bones and kidneys are related to a long time eating salty food will damage the bones.
In the five elements of the five organs of the relationship, the kidney is a fire, the heart is heart, kidney fullness can suppress people's heart qi, causing palpitations, shortness of breath, etc., for breathing have a certain impact, which will affect the heart beating. Cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. Typically, 80% of kidney patients, but also hypertensive patients, which requires people to pay special attention. In the daily diet, it is best to eat light food, in order to health care body.
2, massage the waist
In the life of the waist massage can also be a good kidney, in the Chinese medicine seems "waist for the kidney of the House," the waist is the kidney where the waist health affect the operation of the kidney, while the kidney can determine a good or bad waist Whether it is healthy. Some doctors will say "kidney qi deficiency, waist will be pain carry on". Protect the waist to protect the kidneys, then the protection of the waist, may wish to massage, waist two points for the kidneys have a strong stimulating effect, one of which is Shenshu points.
We are in the belt when the belt and lumbar cross the place up about 5 cm place is Shenshu points, the point of people can use the palm of your hand on the above, strength from light to heavy, can continue to stimulate the blood circulation. Kidney blood in the people when the massage can continue to flow, for the nourishing kidney, relieve lumbar muscle strain also have some help. Thus, in life, may wish to massage the waist to effectively help kidney.
3, pinch ear
In fact, in our ears, there are many points and kidney contact, massage the ear, for the kidney also has a very good help. Some common kidney disease can be revealed in the ears, often massage the ear can play the role of kidney and kidney.
Massage the ear, the easiest way is to pull the screen, his hands on the inside of the ear screen, with the index finger, thumb to pull, each time control in 3 minutes, for the treatment of headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, tinnitus have a certain help. You can gently wipe your ears with your fingers, ears, this time will be issued a "buzzing" sound, each time 30, do 5 times a day, can be a good physical and healthy kidney.
You can also put two hands on the rub, aware of the palm of your hand, the palm of your hand tightly attached to the front of the ear, this method can be a good way to clear the meridians, for the kidneys, the body organs have a better health care. Thus, in life can massage the ears to help the body kidney.
4, not chaos medicine
Aware of lack of energy, many people will choose to take medicine, want kidney, will choose to take medicine. Life, there are many types of drugs, kidney drugs also have some, but a long time to take medicine, or, random medicine, will hurt the body.
In the elderly, with age, the ability to regulate renal function has weakened, the drug will be more sensitive to arteriosclerosis is a cause of impaired renal function. For the elderly, do not take medicine, to check the urine, renal function.
Eat the body of the drug needs to be absorbed, but also for metabolism, but for some kidney patients, the original kidney is a problem, this time metabolic slowdown, it will affect the operation of the kidney. At the same time, the residues in the drug will be deposited in people's blood vessels, resulting in cardiovascular hardening, affecting renal blood vessels, can cause renal arteriosclerosis, affecting renal function. Causing kidney tissue blocked. Thus, in life, not to take medicine can also be a good protection of the kidneys.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
1, do not eat high salt food
Diet is the basis for people to survive, health care, scientific and reasonable diet can make people have a healthy body, on the contrary, unscientific, unreasonable diet will hurt the body. Now the society, people's diet more and more attention to meticulous, exquisite food is undoubtedly excellent, and on the taste, heavy oil, heavy salt, heavy spicy food, has become a lot of people like to eat food.

The number of edible salt should be controlled within a certain range, scientific salt intake, up to 6g per day can, and this number can also health care body, but when eating too much, it will hurt the body. This situation is the traditional Chinese medicine that the kidney bone marrow, the body's bones and kidneys are related to a long time eating salty food will damage the bones.
In the five elements of the five organs of the relationship, the kidney is a fire, the heart is heart, kidney fullness can suppress people's heart qi, causing palpitations, shortness of breath, etc., for breathing have a certain impact, which will affect the heart beating. Cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. Typically, 80% of kidney patients, but also hypertensive patients, which requires people to pay special attention. In the daily diet, it is best to eat light food, in order to health care body.
2, massage the waist
In the life of the waist massage can also be a good kidney, in the Chinese medicine seems "waist for the kidney of the House," the waist is the kidney where the waist health affect the operation of the kidney, while the kidney can determine a good or bad waist Whether it is healthy. Some doctors will say "kidney qi deficiency, waist will be pain carry on". Protect the waist to protect the kidneys, then the protection of the waist, may wish to massage, waist two points for the kidneys have a strong stimulating effect, one of which is Shenshu points.
We are in the belt when the belt and lumbar cross the place up about 5 cm place is Shenshu points, the point of people can use the palm of your hand on the above, strength from light to heavy, can continue to stimulate the blood circulation. Kidney blood in the people when the massage can continue to flow, for the nourishing kidney, relieve lumbar muscle strain also have some help. Thus, in life, may wish to massage the waist to effectively help kidney.
3, pinch ear
In fact, in our ears, there are many points and kidney contact, massage the ear, for the kidney also has a very good help. Some common kidney disease can be revealed in the ears, often massage the ear can play the role of kidney and kidney.
Massage the ear, the easiest way is to pull the screen, his hands on the inside of the ear screen, with the index finger, thumb to pull, each time control in 3 minutes, for the treatment of headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, tinnitus have a certain help. You can gently wipe your ears with your fingers, ears, this time will be issued a "buzzing" sound, each time 30, do 5 times a day, can be a good physical and healthy kidney.
You can also put two hands on the rub, aware of the palm of your hand, the palm of your hand tightly attached to the front of the ear, this method can be a good way to clear the meridians, for the kidneys, the body organs have a better health care. Thus, in life can massage the ears to help the body kidney.
4, not chaos medicine
Aware of lack of energy, many people will choose to take medicine, want kidney, will choose to take medicine. Life, there are many types of drugs, kidney drugs also have some, but a long time to take medicine, or, random medicine, will hurt the body.
In the elderly, with age, the ability to regulate renal function has weakened, the drug will be more sensitive to arteriosclerosis is a cause of impaired renal function. For the elderly, do not take medicine, to check the urine, renal function.
Eat the body of the drug needs to be absorbed, but also for metabolism, but for some kidney patients, the original kidney is a problem, this time metabolic slowdown, it will affect the operation of the kidney. At the same time, the residues in the drug will be deposited in people's blood vessels, resulting in cardiovascular hardening, affecting renal blood vessels, can cause renal arteriosclerosis, affecting renal function. Causing kidney tissue blocked. Thus, in life, not to take medicine can also be a good protection of the kidneys.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Say Goodbye To Nephrotic Syndrome
Wang , male, 37 years old.On May 30, 1995, be diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome in one of the province hospital, and the treatment there does not have obvious effect. One of his friends recommends him to our kidney disease treatment center, kidney disease expert professor wang personally make a diagnosis and give treatment for the patient, now the disease had significantly better.
First diagnosis: swelling for months, used to have hormone 60 mg/day, the illness has no obvious improvement.Proteinuria PRO++ + + now.
Edema in lower extremities, press have obvious sag, abdominal distension, waist ache, urine little and yellow, less difficult to urinate, feed, flat, dry mouth, tongue coating in the central yellow greasy, white purple, pulse small string
Second diagnosis: after taking the drug edema significantly reduced, urine amount has increased, the lower abdomen bilges, lumbar acid, right ear breath, coating Huang Zhong rear thin greasy, amaranthine, pulse string.
Third diagnosis: edema disappeared, lumbar acid, sleep well and wake up early, urine yellow.Urine test normal, pus cells+, only need to clear the blood, invigorate the circulation of t2dm.
Fouth diagnosis: the patients after taking the drug only overwork has backs acid, with occasional loose stool, continue do as the doctor said, disease in a stable condition. urine test continuous negative, the renal function become normal.
Observe in half a year, urine test negative, blood cholesterol and serum albumin returned to normal, disease rehabilitation.
Wang now can normal work, he felt very happy,he said the kidney disease treatment center saved him, gave him a second life, quite thank professor Wang.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
4 methods for rapid diagnosis of nephritis
Nephritis patients may have edema, hypertension, proteinuria, hematuria and tubular urine and other performance in a (such as hematuria or proteinuria) or several, a variety of clinical manifestations, and sometimes chronic nephritis patients may be associated with nephrotic syndrome Or severe high blood pressure. Patients in the presence of suspected nephritis symptoms or abnormal reaction must be timely to check, and must choose a regular professional hospital, because a hospital's technical level, medical level and equipment is good or bad for the diagnosis and inspection of patients The impact is very important.
Examination and diagnosis of nephritis
1, urine routine
In addition to red blood cells and proteinuria, can still see the various types of tube (red blood cells, granules, white blood cells), and white blood cells, accompanied by white blood cell tube, but does not indicate the presence of urinary tract infection, light can no urine changes, Changes in clinical symptoms than the slow recovery, especially microscopic red blood cells often extended for several months to more than 1 year, sustained large number of proteinuria prompted the presence of nephrotic syndrome.
2, blood routine
Edema due to blood dilution, hemoglobin and red blood cells can be reduced, diuretic edema subsided after recovery, normal white blood cell count, but accompanied by infection when the white blood cells and neutrophils can be increased.
3, renal function
There are different degrees of renal dysfunction, glomerular filtration rate and endogenous creatinine clearance rates were reduced, oliguria, serum urea nitrogen, creatinine increased temporarily, complicated with acute renal failure can be significantly associated with azotemia and accompanied by Metabolic acidosis and other electrolyte disorders, complicated by heart failure when the renal blood flow decreased significantly.
4, immunology and complement system examination
(ASO), anti-streptokinase (ASK), anti-hyaluronidase (AH) and anti-deoxyribonuclease (ADNase) were all increased, indicating that most of these glomerulonephritis Nephritis, ASO increased accounted for 70% to 80%, such as the same time check the above three indicators of positive rate of up to 100%, early use of penicillin treatment ASO positive rate can be reduced to 15%, serum IgG, IgM increased, ~ 2 months to return to normal; IgA was normal, the first week of onset of 32% to 42% of patients with rheumatoid factor increased, the first few weeks of onset can be found in serum cold globulin and circulating immune complexes exist.
Prevention of nephritis
1, to enhance physical fitness
Prevention of chronic nephritis is the most important measure, is to strengthen the physical exercise, enhance the body's ability to resist disease. Exercise, there are a variety of ways to exercise, walking, dancing, mountain climbing, boating, martial arts, qigong, tai chi, etc., are helpful to enhance physical fitness, improve the body resistance, and to prevent infection after the virus bacterial immune response occur. But patients with nephropathy.
2, to prevent infection
The incidence of nephritis often associated with upper respiratory tract infection, often outside by the cold, wind-heat, rheumatism, damp heat, heat poison evil as the origin, therefore, to prevent the incidence of nephritis, it should pay attention to changes in warm weather, should be avoided Rainy days out, sweat when the wind, wading rain, wearing wet clothes, always beware of the invasion of evils.
3, living often
To develop good habits, is very important for good health. Because life is not the law, sleep is not enough, overeating, wine over color, restlessness, can reduce the body's resistance to evil, increase the chance of illness, so in daily life, should work and rest, , To maintain the balance of yin and yang of the human body, blood and smooth.
4, sick early cure
Skin sore boils boiled rash, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis recurrent, have the possibility of kidney nephritis, so it is necessary to cure early. Keep the next yin clean, changing clothes, to prevent urinary tract infection; keep the stool of the smooth, regular defecation, is conducive to the exclusion of metabolic waste.
5, the spirit of optimism
Prevention should be alert to the occurrence of nephritis, but not pessimistic, should eliminate the fear of the disease. In addition to the usual strengthening of physical exercise, the kidney yin deficiency can be served Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Wei Qi who can be filled with Yupingfeng powder to kidney kidney yuan, solid care table to prevent exogenous pathogens induced kidney disease.
6, pay attention to health
Sick early cure the skin of the boils and boils, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis recurrent, etc., have become the possibility of nephritis, so it is necessary to cure early. Keep the lower body clean, changing clothes, to prevent urinary tract infection; keep stool smooth, regular defecation, is conducive to the exclusion of metabolic waste.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Examination and diagnosis of nephritis
1, urine routine
In addition to red blood cells and proteinuria, can still see the various types of tube (red blood cells, granules, white blood cells), and white blood cells, accompanied by white blood cell tube, but does not indicate the presence of urinary tract infection, light can no urine changes, Changes in clinical symptoms than the slow recovery, especially microscopic red blood cells often extended for several months to more than 1 year, sustained large number of proteinuria prompted the presence of nephrotic syndrome.
2, blood routine
Edema due to blood dilution, hemoglobin and red blood cells can be reduced, diuretic edema subsided after recovery, normal white blood cell count, but accompanied by infection when the white blood cells and neutrophils can be increased.
3, renal function
There are different degrees of renal dysfunction, glomerular filtration rate and endogenous creatinine clearance rates were reduced, oliguria, serum urea nitrogen, creatinine increased temporarily, complicated with acute renal failure can be significantly associated with azotemia and accompanied by Metabolic acidosis and other electrolyte disorders, complicated by heart failure when the renal blood flow decreased significantly.
4, immunology and complement system examination
(ASO), anti-streptokinase (ASK), anti-hyaluronidase (AH) and anti-deoxyribonuclease (ADNase) were all increased, indicating that most of these glomerulonephritis Nephritis, ASO increased accounted for 70% to 80%, such as the same time check the above three indicators of positive rate of up to 100%, early use of penicillin treatment ASO positive rate can be reduced to 15%, serum IgG, IgM increased, ~ 2 months to return to normal; IgA was normal, the first week of onset of 32% to 42% of patients with rheumatoid factor increased, the first few weeks of onset can be found in serum cold globulin and circulating immune complexes exist.
Prevention of nephritis
1, to enhance physical fitness
Prevention of chronic nephritis is the most important measure, is to strengthen the physical exercise, enhance the body's ability to resist disease. Exercise, there are a variety of ways to exercise, walking, dancing, mountain climbing, boating, martial arts, qigong, tai chi, etc., are helpful to enhance physical fitness, improve the body resistance, and to prevent infection after the virus bacterial immune response occur. But patients with nephropathy.
2, to prevent infection
The incidence of nephritis often associated with upper respiratory tract infection, often outside by the cold, wind-heat, rheumatism, damp heat, heat poison evil as the origin, therefore, to prevent the incidence of nephritis, it should pay attention to changes in warm weather, should be avoided Rainy days out, sweat when the wind, wading rain, wearing wet clothes, always beware of the invasion of evils.
3, living often
To develop good habits, is very important for good health. Because life is not the law, sleep is not enough, overeating, wine over color, restlessness, can reduce the body's resistance to evil, increase the chance of illness, so in daily life, should work and rest, , To maintain the balance of yin and yang of the human body, blood and smooth.
4, sick early cure
Skin sore boils boiled rash, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis recurrent, have the possibility of kidney nephritis, so it is necessary to cure early. Keep the next yin clean, changing clothes, to prevent urinary tract infection; keep the stool of the smooth, regular defecation, is conducive to the exclusion of metabolic waste.
5, the spirit of optimism
Prevention should be alert to the occurrence of nephritis, but not pessimistic, should eliminate the fear of the disease. In addition to the usual strengthening of physical exercise, the kidney yin deficiency can be served Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Wei Qi who can be filled with Yupingfeng powder to kidney kidney yuan, solid care table to prevent exogenous pathogens induced kidney disease.
6, pay attention to health
Sick early cure the skin of the boils and boils, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis recurrent, etc., have become the possibility of nephritis, so it is necessary to cure early. Keep the lower body clean, changing clothes, to prevent urinary tract infection; keep stool smooth, regular defecation, is conducive to the exclusion of metabolic waste.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Renal failure
1. Acute renal failure
Usually due to insufficient renal blood supply ( such as trauma or burns ) , the kidney is impaired by some factors , or damaged by poison , which results in the occurrence of acute renal failure .
2. Chronic renal failure
Because of the long-term kidney disease , with the development of time and disease , the decline of renal function leads to the occurrence of renal failure .
1. Oliguria stage
In the most critical stage , the internal environment is seriously disordered . The patient may have oliguria and no urine , low specific gravity urine , high urine sodium , hematuria , proteinuria , tubular urine and so on . Severe patients may suffer from water intoxication , hyperkalemia , metabolic acidosis , and the risk of nitrogen and blood stasis and the patient’s life . The duration of this period lasts a few days to a few weeks , and the longer the prognosis , the worse the prognosis .
2. Polyuria stage
The urine volume gradually increased after oliguria , and reached the polyuria stage when the daily urine volume was more than 500ml . Since then , the urine volume multiplied daily , the maximum daily urine volume of 3000~6000ml , and even more than 10000ml . In the polyuria stage , the initial urine volume increased , but the renal clearance rate was still low , and the accumulation of metabolites in the body was still present . After 4~5 days , serum urea nitrogen and creatinine decreased gradually with the increase of urine volume , and the symptoms of uremia improved accordingly .
3. Convalescence
The urine volume gradually returned to normal , and the renal function recovered gradually after 3~12 months , most of the patients recovered to normal level , only a few patients became chronic renal failure .
1. Etiological treatment
The cause of renal failure , such as insufficient blood supply or loss of blood , the patient will be given the loss of body fluids and water ; If there is infection , further treatment should be done for infection .
2. Renal function
Because the kidney has lot its function , doctors will temporarily used dialysis treatment to assist in eliminating toxins and wastes in the body ; Patients with acute renal failure do not receive adequate treatment or are unable to control them , if the disease develops from acute to chronic renal failure , it may be uremia and must be dialysis for life .
3. Diet
Diet control , for patients with renal failure , because of renal damage , after eating into the body , the toxins and wastes produced by the food can not be excreted normally , therefore , the diet must pay special attention to avoid causing the burden of the body .
4. Renal transplantation
Some patients with end-stage renal failure need long-term dialysis treatment , renal transplantation can lead to better quality of life in patients with appropriate conditions . Kidney transplantation is the best way to treat renal failure at present , because the kidney transplanted into the patient can almost completely replace the failing renal function , let the patient live a normal life .
1. Acute renal failure
Usually due to insufficient renal blood supply ( such as trauma or burns ) , the kidney is impaired by some factors , or damaged by poison , which results in the occurrence of acute renal failure .
2. Chronic renal failure
Because of the long-term kidney disease , with the development of time and disease , the decline of renal function leads to the occurrence of renal failure .
1. Oliguria stage
In the most critical stage , the internal environment is seriously disordered . The patient may have oliguria and no urine , low specific gravity urine , high urine sodium , hematuria , proteinuria , tubular urine and so on . Severe patients may suffer from water intoxication , hyperkalemia , metabolic acidosis , and the risk of nitrogen and blood stasis and the patient’s life . The duration of this period lasts a few days to a few weeks , and the longer the prognosis , the worse the prognosis .
2. Polyuria stage
The urine volume gradually increased after oliguria , and reached the polyuria stage when the daily urine volume was more than 500ml . Since then , the urine volume multiplied daily , the maximum daily urine volume of 3000~6000ml , and even more than 10000ml . In the polyuria stage , the initial urine volume increased , but the renal clearance rate was still low , and the accumulation of metabolites in the body was still present . After 4~5 days , serum urea nitrogen and creatinine decreased gradually with the increase of urine volume , and the symptoms of uremia improved accordingly .
3. Convalescence
The urine volume gradually returned to normal , and the renal function recovered gradually after 3~12 months , most of the patients recovered to normal level , only a few patients became chronic renal failure .
1. Etiological treatment
The cause of renal failure , such as insufficient blood supply or loss of blood , the patient will be given the loss of body fluids and water ; If there is infection , further treatment should be done for infection .
2. Renal function
Because the kidney has lot its function , doctors will temporarily used dialysis treatment to assist in eliminating toxins and wastes in the body ; Patients with acute renal failure do not receive adequate treatment or are unable to control them , if the disease develops from acute to chronic renal failure , it may be uremia and must be dialysis for life .
3. Diet
Diet control , for patients with renal failure , because of renal damage , after eating into the body , the toxins and wastes produced by the food can not be excreted normally , therefore , the diet must pay special attention to avoid causing the burden of the body .
4. Renal transplantation
Some patients with end-stage renal failure need long-term dialysis treatment , renal transplantation can lead to better quality of life in patients with appropriate conditions . Kidney transplantation is the best way to treat renal failure at present , because the kidney transplanted into the patient can almost completely replace the failing renal function , let the patient live a normal life .
What are the daily measures to prevent purpura nephritis?
Many people seem very good body, in fact, every day is hidden in a lot of diseases, purpuric nephritis is one of them, so be able to do a good job in prevention, then the prevention of purpura nephritis, what are the daily measures? Patients with purpuric nephritis Only need to use the right treatment, diet problems also need to be concerned about, some of the dietary principles to be able to grasp clearly.
1, purpura nephritis attention to rest, avoid fatigue, to avoid mood swings and mental stimulation. Prevent insect bites. Remove possible allergens.
2, in order to prevent recurrence, the patient should be cured after the consolidation of treatment for a course of treatment.
3, diet conditioning, purple purpuric nephritis to the main diet to be light, the staple food to rice, pasta corn-based; eat more fruits and vegetables do not eat Feigan smell, spicy products, to prevent gastrointestinal heat; Produce allergies and the incidence of food such as fish, shrimp, seafood and other absolute contraindications Qi should be gas to stop bleeding. Blood stasis can be used to promote blood stasis products.
4, keep warm, to prevent colds. Control and prevent infection, in a clear infection or infection when the use of sensitive antibiotics, but should avoid blindly prevent the use of antibiotics.
5, pay attention to diet, allergic purpura caused by allergens, should be fasting raw raw onions, raw garlic, pepper, alcohol and other spicy food; meat, seafood, should avoid contact with allergens such as pollen.
6, life conditioning, often participate in physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, prevention of cold; active removal of infected lesions to prevent upper respiratory tract infection; as much as possible to find allergens. Acute and bleeding for a long time should limit patient activity.
Prevention of purpuric nephritis what are the daily measures? Do a good job to prevent purpura nephritis measures do not necessarily do not suffer from purpura nephritis, and hope that people should be able to pay attention to the relevant symptoms in the body. Patients with purpura nephritis to eat nutrition and no burden, so adhere to a healthy diet for patients with purpura nephritis is very important.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here,Beijing kidney hospital for you
1, purpura nephritis attention to rest, avoid fatigue, to avoid mood swings and mental stimulation. Prevent insect bites. Remove possible allergens.
2, in order to prevent recurrence, the patient should be cured after the consolidation of treatment for a course of treatment.
3, diet conditioning, purple purpuric nephritis to the main diet to be light, the staple food to rice, pasta corn-based; eat more fruits and vegetables do not eat Feigan smell, spicy products, to prevent gastrointestinal heat; Produce allergies and the incidence of food such as fish, shrimp, seafood and other absolute contraindications Qi should be gas to stop bleeding. Blood stasis can be used to promote blood stasis products.
4, keep warm, to prevent colds. Control and prevent infection, in a clear infection or infection when the use of sensitive antibiotics, but should avoid blindly prevent the use of antibiotics.
5, pay attention to diet, allergic purpura caused by allergens, should be fasting raw raw onions, raw garlic, pepper, alcohol and other spicy food; meat, seafood, should avoid contact with allergens such as pollen.
6, life conditioning, often participate in physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, prevention of cold; active removal of infected lesions to prevent upper respiratory tract infection; as much as possible to find allergens. Acute and bleeding for a long time should limit patient activity.
Prevention of purpuric nephritis what are the daily measures? Do a good job to prevent purpura nephritis measures do not necessarily do not suffer from purpura nephritis, and hope that people should be able to pay attention to the relevant symptoms in the body. Patients with purpura nephritis to eat nutrition and no burden, so adhere to a healthy diet for patients with purpura nephritis is very important.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here,Beijing kidney hospital for you
What is Nephritis?
Glomerulonephritis is actually a group of diseases with different etiology , and some etiology remains unclear , generally speaking , it may be related to heredity , infection , immunity , metabolism , tumor and so on .
1. Swelling
Eyelid , facial , lower limb , perineum and genital swelling can occur , light person only has weight gain ( recessive dropsy ), the person can be swollen all over the body , and even appear pleural effusion and abdominal cavity effusion .
2. Protein in urine
Glomerulonephritis , some proteins that are not filtered out of the kidneys can be filtered into the urine and protein in urine occurs . The main manifestation is the increase of foam in urine , and it does not disappear for a long time .
3. Tubular urine
The presence of both protein and tube types in the urine suggests glomerular lesions .
4. Hypertension
The kidney affects the circulating blood volume through the excretion of water and sodium salt ; At the same time produce renin , produce vasoconstriction , participate in regulating blood pressure . In glomerulonephritis , renal drainage and sodium salt capacity decreased , renin production increased , and hypertension occurred .
5. Anemia
The kidney can produce erythropoietin , kidney disease progression , renal function damage , the production of such hormones decreased anemia .
6. Renal insufficiency and uremia
Glomerular lesions progressed gradually and progressed to end-stage progressive processes , but not all patients with glomerulonephritis have some manifestations .
1. Basic principle
In order to prevent and delay the progress of kidney disease , improve the clinical symptoms and prevent complications .
2. Treatment plan
(1) Non drug therapy
Under the guidance of the doctor , proper rest exercise ,adjust the diet protein , sodium salt and potassium salt intake , pay attention to monitoring blood pressure , weight and urine volume .
(2) Drug therapy
Commonly used , such as hormones and immunosuppressants , other drugs , including blood pressure control drugs , diuretics and anti platelet aggregation drugs , anticoagulants , lipid-lowering drugs , Cordyceps preparations and so on . The drugs should be used under the guidance of doctors , according to the change of laboratory indexes , the side effects of drugs can be avoided or reduced .
(3) Factors to avoid aggravating kidney damage
Infection , low blood volume ( shock ) , dehydration ( vomiting or diarrhea , high fever ) , fatigue , water electrolyte and acid-base imbalance , pregnancy and the use of drugs that may cause kidney damage ( such as antipyretic analgesics , contrast agents , certain antibiotics and so on ) , it may aggravate kidney disease , and should be avoided or used under the guidance of doctors .
(4) Dialysis treatment
When necessary , according to the doctor’s judgment for treatment .
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Glomerulonephritis is actually a group of diseases with different etiology , and some etiology remains unclear , generally speaking , it may be related to heredity , infection , immunity , metabolism , tumor and so on .
1. Swelling
Eyelid , facial , lower limb , perineum and genital swelling can occur , light person only has weight gain ( recessive dropsy ), the person can be swollen all over the body , and even appear pleural effusion and abdominal cavity effusion .
2. Protein in urine
Glomerulonephritis , some proteins that are not filtered out of the kidneys can be filtered into the urine and protein in urine occurs . The main manifestation is the increase of foam in urine , and it does not disappear for a long time .
3. Tubular urine
The presence of both protein and tube types in the urine suggests glomerular lesions .
4. Hypertension
The kidney affects the circulating blood volume through the excretion of water and sodium salt ; At the same time produce renin , produce vasoconstriction , participate in regulating blood pressure . In glomerulonephritis , renal drainage and sodium salt capacity decreased , renin production increased , and hypertension occurred .
5. Anemia
The kidney can produce erythropoietin , kidney disease progression , renal function damage , the production of such hormones decreased anemia .
6. Renal insufficiency and uremia
Glomerular lesions progressed gradually and progressed to end-stage progressive processes , but not all patients with glomerulonephritis have some manifestations .
1. Basic principle
In order to prevent and delay the progress of kidney disease , improve the clinical symptoms and prevent complications .
2. Treatment plan
(1) Non drug therapy
Under the guidance of the doctor , proper rest exercise ,adjust the diet protein , sodium salt and potassium salt intake , pay attention to monitoring blood pressure , weight and urine volume .
(2) Drug therapy
Commonly used , such as hormones and immunosuppressants , other drugs , including blood pressure control drugs , diuretics and anti platelet aggregation drugs , anticoagulants , lipid-lowering drugs , Cordyceps preparations and so on . The drugs should be used under the guidance of doctors , according to the change of laboratory indexes , the side effects of drugs can be avoided or reduced .
(3) Factors to avoid aggravating kidney damage
Infection , low blood volume ( shock ) , dehydration ( vomiting or diarrhea , high fever ) , fatigue , water electrolyte and acid-base imbalance , pregnancy and the use of drugs that may cause kidney damage ( such as antipyretic analgesics , contrast agents , certain antibiotics and so on ) , it may aggravate kidney disease , and should be avoided or used under the guidance of doctors .
(4) Dialysis treatment
When necessary , according to the doctor’s judgment for treatment .
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you
Nephritis and kidney failure difference between the two look at this 4:00
Nephritis and renal failure is certainly a different kidney disease, but certainly there are a lot of people do not know what is the difference between nephritis and renal failure, which is normal! Then let's take a look at the difference between nephritis and kidney failure.
Nephritis and renal failure
Kidney failure
1. Kidney failure can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow, kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison damage caused by Acute renal failure. The main cause of chronic renal failure for long-term kidney disease, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.
2. End of renal failure is uremia, general creatinine began to rise refers to renal failure, when the creatinine was more than 700 hours, is uremia. The treatment of renal failure is to improve the barrier function of the glomerular filtration membrane, reduce urine protein, correct pathophysiological abnormalities, prevent or delay the process of renal fibrosis, protect kidney function. In general, kidney disease refers to nephrotic syndrome, the disease and glomerulonephritis is different, nephrotic syndrome is due to glomerular filtration membrane permeability increased, a large number of plasma protein caused by the loss of urine Levy, more common in children and adolescents, there is nephritis nephrotic syndrome, age of onset in school age, may have high blood pressure, hematuria, etc., no matter what kind of may lead to renal failure may be.
3. Nephritis is a group of glomerular diseases, different ways of onset, disease progression, slow progress of the disease, can be different degrees of renal dysfunction, and ultimately the development of chronic renal failure. If chronic glomerulonephritis is not effective treatment will develop into chronic renal failure, for the disease, it is the most common type of renal failure disease, it is a variety of chronic kidney disease developed to the late Of the renal function of some or all of the loss of pathological status.
4. Nephritis is a common kidney inflammation, with hematuria, proteinuria, edema, hypertension, renal dysfunction as the main clinical manifestations, the most common are acute nephritis and chronic nephritis. There are also occult nephritis. General acute nephritis in the course of a shorter, through the positive treatment of the prognosis is also better. The acute nephritis caused by chronic nephritis or chronic nephritis symptoms continue to non-regression of patients with longer duration, recurrent, poor prognosis, if not active treatment, the final majority will develop renal failure caused by uremia.
How to protect their own kidneys
1, do not eat too much salt
Men in the life will be reasonable to control their own salt intake, so as to timely prevention of some physical abnormalities. Salt, is to reduce the burden of kidney the main evil. 50% of the salt in the diet is metabolized by the kidneys, the intake is too much, the burden of the kidneys will be reduced, coupled with sodium salt in the body will lead to the human body is not easy to discharge, and further reduce the burden of the kidneys, which led to the Renal function diminished.
2, pay attention to the consumption of fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits in life is very important, you are the best in life is to eat some more. If suffering from chronic renal dysfunction, it should focus on appropriate consumption of fruits and vegetables, to avoid the impact on kidney formation. Do not drink too thick vegetable juice, hot pot soup, vegetable soup, diet to light is appropriate.
3, do not eat too much meat
Meat is also male to eat, but you should pay attention to their own diet in a reasonable diet. I believe we all know that eating too much meat is not only easy to get fat, but also susceptible to illness. So we usually do not eat too much time to live meat.
4, diet
Diet is necessary to add adequate nutrition, do not lead to their own diet partial eclipse of the situation. When you are tired, eat more iron, protein, such as fungus, jujube, black chicken and other indigestion drink yogurt, eat hawthornin Kidney Kidney to eat leek, sea cucumber, ginseng, black-bone chicken, pigeon and so on.
What is the difference between nephritis and renal failure How to distinguish between nephritis and renal failure How to protect your kidney
5, the lack of sleep
Sleep is also a man in the life to pay attention to the situation, you should be reasonable in your life to arrange their own sleep time. Short sleep is also the main guarantee to restore the essence of God, the task and then ease the family's bothering more, to the time of the sleep should also rest on time.
6, more water
Drinking water is also our life to pay attention to, to timely replenishment of the body of water. Drinking water can sponsor the body to metabolize the waste discharge, landing toxic substances in the kidney concentration, so as to avoid kidney damage. Especially fever patients, because of its slowdown in metabolism, waste and toxic substances will also increase the attack, so, more to drink more water to rush into the excretion of waste.
7, do not use drinks instead of boiling water
Drink is also a very important diet in life, and you have an appropriate diet in your life. In our lives, there are many drinks are containing caffeine. And caffeine for the kidney is hurt, so less and drinks, drink plenty of water.
8, the appropriate drink beer
In life, we should pay attention to drinking the diet, do not blindly eat. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, but also a small amount of drink beer, it will make uric acid deposition lead to renal tubular obstruction, the formation of kidney failure.
9, actively grasp the blood pressure
In the life will have to control their own blood pressure, so as to timely control their own health. Now, career task pressure is too large, leading to more and more young patients with hypertension, and high blood pressure can slow down the course of kidney disease, so people should pay close attention to changes in blood pressure and severe control of blood pressure.
10, prepared to prevent urinary tract contamination
To avoid some abnormal changes in their own body, in particular, should pay attention to guard against some male diseases. With the increase of age, the incidence of urinary tract infection will gradually increase, especially the elderly. This can be associated with the elderly kidney blood flow, kidney resistance decline. Men's benign prostatic hyperplasia is also easy to cause urinary tract contamination, it should be invented as soon as possible and actively treated. In addition, often urinary people should also be able to avoid the onset of urinary tract infection.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Nephritis and renal failure
Kidney failure
1. Kidney failure can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow, kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison damage caused by Acute renal failure. The main cause of chronic renal failure for long-term kidney disease, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.
2. End of renal failure is uremia, general creatinine began to rise refers to renal failure, when the creatinine was more than 700 hours, is uremia. The treatment of renal failure is to improve the barrier function of the glomerular filtration membrane, reduce urine protein, correct pathophysiological abnormalities, prevent or delay the process of renal fibrosis, protect kidney function. In general, kidney disease refers to nephrotic syndrome, the disease and glomerulonephritis is different, nephrotic syndrome is due to glomerular filtration membrane permeability increased, a large number of plasma protein caused by the loss of urine Levy, more common in children and adolescents, there is nephritis nephrotic syndrome, age of onset in school age, may have high blood pressure, hematuria, etc., no matter what kind of may lead to renal failure may be.
3. Nephritis is a group of glomerular diseases, different ways of onset, disease progression, slow progress of the disease, can be different degrees of renal dysfunction, and ultimately the development of chronic renal failure. If chronic glomerulonephritis is not effective treatment will develop into chronic renal failure, for the disease, it is the most common type of renal failure disease, it is a variety of chronic kidney disease developed to the late Of the renal function of some or all of the loss of pathological status.
4. Nephritis is a common kidney inflammation, with hematuria, proteinuria, edema, hypertension, renal dysfunction as the main clinical manifestations, the most common are acute nephritis and chronic nephritis. There are also occult nephritis. General acute nephritis in the course of a shorter, through the positive treatment of the prognosis is also better. The acute nephritis caused by chronic nephritis or chronic nephritis symptoms continue to non-regression of patients with longer duration, recurrent, poor prognosis, if not active treatment, the final majority will develop renal failure caused by uremia.
How to protect their own kidneys
1, do not eat too much salt
Men in the life will be reasonable to control their own salt intake, so as to timely prevention of some physical abnormalities. Salt, is to reduce the burden of kidney the main evil. 50% of the salt in the diet is metabolized by the kidneys, the intake is too much, the burden of the kidneys will be reduced, coupled with sodium salt in the body will lead to the human body is not easy to discharge, and further reduce the burden of the kidneys, which led to the Renal function diminished.
2, pay attention to the consumption of fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits in life is very important, you are the best in life is to eat some more. If suffering from chronic renal dysfunction, it should focus on appropriate consumption of fruits and vegetables, to avoid the impact on kidney formation. Do not drink too thick vegetable juice, hot pot soup, vegetable soup, diet to light is appropriate.
3, do not eat too much meat
Meat is also male to eat, but you should pay attention to their own diet in a reasonable diet. I believe we all know that eating too much meat is not only easy to get fat, but also susceptible to illness. So we usually do not eat too much time to live meat.
4, diet
Diet is necessary to add adequate nutrition, do not lead to their own diet partial eclipse of the situation. When you are tired, eat more iron, protein, such as fungus, jujube, black chicken and other indigestion drink yogurt, eat hawthornin Kidney Kidney to eat leek, sea cucumber, ginseng, black-bone chicken, pigeon and so on.
What is the difference between nephritis and renal failure How to distinguish between nephritis and renal failure How to protect your kidney
5, the lack of sleep
Sleep is also a man in the life to pay attention to the situation, you should be reasonable in your life to arrange their own sleep time. Short sleep is also the main guarantee to restore the essence of God, the task and then ease the family's bothering more, to the time of the sleep should also rest on time.
6, more water
Drinking water is also our life to pay attention to, to timely replenishment of the body of water. Drinking water can sponsor the body to metabolize the waste discharge, landing toxic substances in the kidney concentration, so as to avoid kidney damage. Especially fever patients, because of its slowdown in metabolism, waste and toxic substances will also increase the attack, so, more to drink more water to rush into the excretion of waste.
7, do not use drinks instead of boiling water
Drink is also a very important diet in life, and you have an appropriate diet in your life. In our lives, there are many drinks are containing caffeine. And caffeine for the kidney is hurt, so less and drinks, drink plenty of water.
8, the appropriate drink beer
In life, we should pay attention to drinking the diet, do not blindly eat. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, but also a small amount of drink beer, it will make uric acid deposition lead to renal tubular obstruction, the formation of kidney failure.
9, actively grasp the blood pressure
In the life will have to control their own blood pressure, so as to timely control their own health. Now, career task pressure is too large, leading to more and more young patients with hypertension, and high blood pressure can slow down the course of kidney disease, so people should pay close attention to changes in blood pressure and severe control of blood pressure.
10, prepared to prevent urinary tract contamination
To avoid some abnormal changes in their own body, in particular, should pay attention to guard against some male diseases. With the increase of age, the incidence of urinary tract infection will gradually increase, especially the elderly. This can be associated with the elderly kidney blood flow, kidney resistance decline. Men's benign prostatic hyperplasia is also easy to cause urinary tract contamination, it should be invented as soon as possible and actively treated. In addition, often urinary people should also be able to avoid the onset of urinary tract infection.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Allergic purpura nephritis what to eat
(Such as meat, milk, eggs, soy products, vegetables, fruits) and some items (such as flowers, new clothes, new books, dust, chemicals), allergic to the disease, Etc.) can cause allergic reactions, thereby exacerbating the conditions. So how to have a scientific diet has become a topic of concern.
Allergic purpura nephritis refers to allergic purpura with necrotic vasculitis as the main pathological changes caused by systemic disease caused by renal damage. Allergic purpura nephritis clinical manifestations in addition to skin purpura, joint swelling and pain, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, the kidney mainly manifested as hematuria and proteinuria, some critically ill patients can cause impaired renal function. Kidney involvement occurs several days after the skin purpura several weeks to several weeks.
Allergic purpura in a medical disease, mostly in children, adolescents, it gives the patient's health caused great harm, and if there is no timely treatment, the patient may appear blisters, ulcers and local necrosis.
In general, people often eat, often contact with the material is not easy to cause allergies, such as vegetable diet is relatively safe, resulting in a small chance of allergies. Exogenous protein, especially animal protein foods can cause allergic purpura rich; In addition, some chemical substances, such as medicine, food additives, also easily lead to allergies.
Allergic purpura patients diet taboo
1, the diet should be light, staple food to rice, pasta corn-based; allergic purpura patients should be appropriate to eat more rich in protein and blood food to supplement the body needs. Allergic purpura diet mainly lean meat, eggs, animal liver, kidney, spinach, tomatoes, kelp, seaweed, edible fungus, jujube and beans and their products.
2, eat more fruits and vegetables.
3, Qi should be qi gas to stop bleeding. Blood stasis can be used to promote blood stasis products.
4, allergic purpura patients should eat high vitamin C food. Vitamin C has reduced capillary permeability and brittle effects, allergic purpura patients eat these foods help to recover. Rich in vitamin C foods are grapefruit, oranges, citrus, apples, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes and a variety of green leafy vegetables, these are allergic purpura diet.
5, do not eat Feigan smell, spicy products, to prevent gastrointestinal fever.
6, have been allergic to the incidence of food such as fish, shrimp, seafood and other taboo.
7, not eat animal protein, such as seafood, beef and mutton, instant noodles (with preservatives).
Patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura can be treated with the following methods:
Garlic: garlic, peanut, peanut soup 1oog. Will peanuts, garlic into casserole, stew cooked. Every other day, eat 4 to 6 days.
Radish mung bean drink: the radish seed 30g, green beans 100g. The first mung bean powder is spare. Radish child smashed, wrapped with cloth, put the pot of water 500 ml, cook for 20 minutes, go to radish, add green beans.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Allergic purpura nephritis refers to allergic purpura with necrotic vasculitis as the main pathological changes caused by systemic disease caused by renal damage. Allergic purpura nephritis clinical manifestations in addition to skin purpura, joint swelling and pain, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, the kidney mainly manifested as hematuria and proteinuria, some critically ill patients can cause impaired renal function. Kidney involvement occurs several days after the skin purpura several weeks to several weeks.
Allergic purpura in a medical disease, mostly in children, adolescents, it gives the patient's health caused great harm, and if there is no timely treatment, the patient may appear blisters, ulcers and local necrosis.
In general, people often eat, often contact with the material is not easy to cause allergies, such as vegetable diet is relatively safe, resulting in a small chance of allergies. Exogenous protein, especially animal protein foods can cause allergic purpura rich; In addition, some chemical substances, such as medicine, food additives, also easily lead to allergies.
Allergic purpura patients diet taboo
1, the diet should be light, staple food to rice, pasta corn-based; allergic purpura patients should be appropriate to eat more rich in protein and blood food to supplement the body needs. Allergic purpura diet mainly lean meat, eggs, animal liver, kidney, spinach, tomatoes, kelp, seaweed, edible fungus, jujube and beans and their products.
2, eat more fruits and vegetables.
3, Qi should be qi gas to stop bleeding. Blood stasis can be used to promote blood stasis products.
4, allergic purpura patients should eat high vitamin C food. Vitamin C has reduced capillary permeability and brittle effects, allergic purpura patients eat these foods help to recover. Rich in vitamin C foods are grapefruit, oranges, citrus, apples, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes and a variety of green leafy vegetables, these are allergic purpura diet.
5, do not eat Feigan smell, spicy products, to prevent gastrointestinal fever.
6, have been allergic to the incidence of food such as fish, shrimp, seafood and other taboo.
7, not eat animal protein, such as seafood, beef and mutton, instant noodles (with preservatives).
Patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura can be treated with the following methods:
Garlic: garlic, peanut, peanut soup 1oog. Will peanuts, garlic into casserole, stew cooked. Every other day, eat 4 to 6 days.
Radish mung bean drink: the radish seed 30g, green beans 100g. The first mung bean powder is spare. Radish child smashed, wrapped with cloth, put the pot of water 500 ml, cook for 20 minutes, go to radish, add green beans.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Dietary care principles of glomerulonephritis
"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.
Acute glomerulonephritis diet taboo
Diet should not eat all the salty seasoning and high protein foods, should eat some vitamin C with vegetables and fruits.
Chronic glomerulonephritis diet taboo
Diet should eat light and digestible low salt or salt-free diet. In recent years that for patients with chronic renal insufficiency appropriate to add essential amino acids can improve the efficacy.
Nursing of glomerulonephritis
"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.
"Glomerulonephritis" points "acute glomerulonephritis" and "chronic glomerulonephritis" two. Acute if not timely treatment can be converted to chronic; chronic due to treatment or rest and other factors, can also cause acute attack. The disease more common in women, especially women of childbearing age. Clinical manifestations: rapid onset, fever chills, back pain, urinary frequency urinary urgency. Routine examination often urinate with a large number of pus cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, proteinuria rare. Urine culture can be found in bacteria.
Nursing Essentials:
1. Encourage patients to drink plenty of water and increase urination.
2. Regular urine test and training, master the disease.
3. Women should pay attention to sexual life, menstrual period, pregnancy health.
4. baby period that is to pay attention to the diaper clean and sterile.
5. If the patient is still untreated by the treatment of fever or increased, there are or accompanied by severe low back pain to be hospitalized.
Glomerulonephritis etiology
Nephritis whether hereditary nephritis will be inherited what kind of nephritis. Some nephritis is hereditary, especially hereditary nephritis, which can be inherited by the parents to their children, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease, can be inherited to future generations.
The cause of nephritis is unclear, generally believed that may be caused by hereditary defects of glomerular basement membrane synthesis. This disease has a characteristic, that is, there is a clear family history, often in a few generations of family members, there are many people hematuria, hematuria is the most common manifestations of hereditary nephritis, young men more common.
Nephritis onset symptoms are generally not obvious, children often only urine examination with mild proteinuria and hematuria, often after severe exercise or increased after the upper respiratory tract infection. General proteinuria with age, and gradually increased, individual cases may have severe proteinuria. Rarely increased blood pressure, often to the late blood pressure was slightly elevated. The disease continued to slow progress, the male condition more serious, often in the prime of life that died of chronic renal failure, female mild condition, may have normal life.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Acute glomerulonephritis diet taboo
Diet should not eat all the salty seasoning and high protein foods, should eat some vitamin C with vegetables and fruits.
Chronic glomerulonephritis diet taboo
Diet should eat light and digestible low salt or salt-free diet. In recent years that for patients with chronic renal insufficiency appropriate to add essential amino acids can improve the efficacy.
Nursing of glomerulonephritis
"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.
"Glomerulonephritis" points "acute glomerulonephritis" and "chronic glomerulonephritis" two. Acute if not timely treatment can be converted to chronic; chronic due to treatment or rest and other factors, can also cause acute attack. The disease more common in women, especially women of childbearing age. Clinical manifestations: rapid onset, fever chills, back pain, urinary frequency urinary urgency. Routine examination often urinate with a large number of pus cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, proteinuria rare. Urine culture can be found in bacteria.
Nursing Essentials:
1. Encourage patients to drink plenty of water and increase urination.
2. Regular urine test and training, master the disease.
3. Women should pay attention to sexual life, menstrual period, pregnancy health.
4. baby period that is to pay attention to the diaper clean and sterile.
5. If the patient is still untreated by the treatment of fever or increased, there are or accompanied by severe low back pain to be hospitalized.
Glomerulonephritis etiology
Nephritis whether hereditary nephritis will be inherited what kind of nephritis. Some nephritis is hereditary, especially hereditary nephritis, which can be inherited by the parents to their children, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease, can be inherited to future generations.
The cause of nephritis is unclear, generally believed that may be caused by hereditary defects of glomerular basement membrane synthesis. This disease has a characteristic, that is, there is a clear family history, often in a few generations of family members, there are many people hematuria, hematuria is the most common manifestations of hereditary nephritis, young men more common.
Nephritis onset symptoms are generally not obvious, children often only urine examination with mild proteinuria and hematuria, often after severe exercise or increased after the upper respiratory tract infection. General proteinuria with age, and gradually increased, individual cases may have severe proteinuria. Rarely increased blood pressure, often to the late blood pressure was slightly elevated. The disease continued to slow progress, the male condition more serious, often in the prime of life that died of chronic renal failure, female mild condition, may have normal life.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Acute renal failure can not be cured
Some patients heard a doctor said, "your disease is acute renal failure", suddenly feel no medicine can be medical, in fact, acute renal failure after timely and active treatment, renal function can be restored to normal. The general principle of treatment is to remove the cause, to maintain water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, reduce symptoms, improve renal function, prevention and treatment of complications. From the clinical manifestations, we know that acute renal failure is divided into three, the same treatment in these three periods also have a focus, especially oliguria. In the treatment of oliguria, oliguria often due to acute pulmonary edema, hyperkalemia, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and concurrent infection leading to death. Therefore, the focus of treatment for the regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, control of nitrogen retention, the supply of appropriate nutrition, prevention and treatment of complications and treatment of primary disease.
(1) bed rest: all patients with clear diagnosis should be strictly bed rest.
(2) diet: to eat as much as possible to use the gastrointestinal tract to add nutrition, to give light liquid or semi-liquid food-based. Limit moisture, sodium and potassium salts, as appropriate. Early to limit the protein, and then step by step to add part of the heat, too fast, too much to add food can not be absorbed, easily lead to diarrhea.
(3) to maintain water balance: oliguria patients should be strictly calculated 24 hours into the water.
(4) treatment of hyperkalemia: the most effective method for hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. If there is severe hyperkalemia or high catabolic status, hemodialysis is appropriate. Hyperkalemia is a clinical emergency situation, in the preparation of dialysis before treatment should be a corresponding emergency treatment. (5) the treatment of hyponatremia: hyponatremia is generally dilute, the total amount of sodium in the body did not decrease, so only in the <120mmol / L or although 120-130mmol / L but low sodium symptoms when the supply.
(5) hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia: calcium can be used 10% calcium gluconate, hyperphosphatemia should be limited to phosphorus-containing food, and can take aluminum hydroxide or calcium phosphate.
(6) to correct metabolic acidosis: non-high catabolic oliguria patients, add enough calories, reduce the body tissue decomposition, the general metabolic acidosis is not serious. But the high metabolic metabolic metabolic acidosis early, serious, can increase the hyperkalemia, should be timely treatment. Serious metabolic acidosis should be done as soon as possible hemodialysis more secure.
(7) the application of furosemide and mannitol: mannitol as a permeable diuretics can be applied to crush injury cases of forced diuretic, but has been diagnosed as oliguria (anuria) patients to stop using mannitol, so as to avoid blood volume Many, induced heart failure, pulmonary edema.
(8) anti-infective treatment: to carry out early preventive dialysis, oliguria patients died of acute pulmonary edema and hyperkalemia were significantly reduced, and infection has become the main cause of death in oliguria. Common for the blood, lungs, urinary tract, bile duct and other parts of the infection, according to bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test rational selection of renal non-toxic effect of antibiotic treatment.
(9) nutritional support therapy: acute renal failure patients, especially sepsis, severe trauma associated with high metabolic status, lack of calorie intake every day, easily lead to rapid progression of azotemia. Nutritional support can provide enough calories to reduce protein breakdown in the body, thereby slowing the rate of elevated blood nitrogen, increasing body resistance, reducing oligodial mortality, and possibly reducing the number of dialysis.
(10) hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis: early preventive hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis can reduce acute renal failure infection, bleeding, hyperkalemia, fluid retention and coma and other life-threatening complications. What is preventive dialysis? Refers to the implementation of complications before the implementation of dialysis, which can quickly remove excess metabolites in the body, maintaining water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, which is conducive to maintaining cell physiological function and the body environment stability, treatment and Prevention of various complications of primary disease.
(12) polyuria treatment: when the patient's urine began to increase, gradually into the polyuria period, must not be considered behind the risk and be taken lightly. The threat of life at the beginning of this period still exists. The focus is still on maintaining water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, controlling azotemia, treating primary disease and preventing various complications. For those who can not get up, especially in the prevention and treatment of pulmonary infection and urinary tract infection. 3. Recovery period of treatment generally do not need special treatment, regular follow-up renal function, to avoid the use of drugs that damage the kidney. The prognosis of the disease often with the original nature of the disease, age, the original chronic disease, the severity of renal damage, early diagnosis and early treatment and dialysis or not, with or without multiple organ failure and complications and other factors. In short, patients with acute renal failure should be carefully treated according to the above principles, as far as possible to prevent the development of irreversible renal failure.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
(1) bed rest: all patients with clear diagnosis should be strictly bed rest.
(2) diet: to eat as much as possible to use the gastrointestinal tract to add nutrition, to give light liquid or semi-liquid food-based. Limit moisture, sodium and potassium salts, as appropriate. Early to limit the protein, and then step by step to add part of the heat, too fast, too much to add food can not be absorbed, easily lead to diarrhea.
(3) to maintain water balance: oliguria patients should be strictly calculated 24 hours into the water.
(4) treatment of hyperkalemia: the most effective method for hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. If there is severe hyperkalemia or high catabolic status, hemodialysis is appropriate. Hyperkalemia is a clinical emergency situation, in the preparation of dialysis before treatment should be a corresponding emergency treatment. (5) the treatment of hyponatremia: hyponatremia is generally dilute, the total amount of sodium in the body did not decrease, so only in the <120mmol / L or although 120-130mmol / L but low sodium symptoms when the supply.
(5) hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia: calcium can be used 10% calcium gluconate, hyperphosphatemia should be limited to phosphorus-containing food, and can take aluminum hydroxide or calcium phosphate.
(6) to correct metabolic acidosis: non-high catabolic oliguria patients, add enough calories, reduce the body tissue decomposition, the general metabolic acidosis is not serious. But the high metabolic metabolic metabolic acidosis early, serious, can increase the hyperkalemia, should be timely treatment. Serious metabolic acidosis should be done as soon as possible hemodialysis more secure.
(7) the application of furosemide and mannitol: mannitol as a permeable diuretics can be applied to crush injury cases of forced diuretic, but has been diagnosed as oliguria (anuria) patients to stop using mannitol, so as to avoid blood volume Many, induced heart failure, pulmonary edema.
(8) anti-infective treatment: to carry out early preventive dialysis, oliguria patients died of acute pulmonary edema and hyperkalemia were significantly reduced, and infection has become the main cause of death in oliguria. Common for the blood, lungs, urinary tract, bile duct and other parts of the infection, according to bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test rational selection of renal non-toxic effect of antibiotic treatment.
(9) nutritional support therapy: acute renal failure patients, especially sepsis, severe trauma associated with high metabolic status, lack of calorie intake every day, easily lead to rapid progression of azotemia. Nutritional support can provide enough calories to reduce protein breakdown in the body, thereby slowing the rate of elevated blood nitrogen, increasing body resistance, reducing oligodial mortality, and possibly reducing the number of dialysis.
(10) hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis: early preventive hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis can reduce acute renal failure infection, bleeding, hyperkalemia, fluid retention and coma and other life-threatening complications. What is preventive dialysis? Refers to the implementation of complications before the implementation of dialysis, which can quickly remove excess metabolites in the body, maintaining water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, which is conducive to maintaining cell physiological function and the body environment stability, treatment and Prevention of various complications of primary disease.
(12) polyuria treatment: when the patient's urine began to increase, gradually into the polyuria period, must not be considered behind the risk and be taken lightly. The threat of life at the beginning of this period still exists. The focus is still on maintaining water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, controlling azotemia, treating primary disease and preventing various complications. For those who can not get up, especially in the prevention and treatment of pulmonary infection and urinary tract infection. 3. Recovery period of treatment generally do not need special treatment, regular follow-up renal function, to avoid the use of drugs that damage the kidney. The prognosis of the disease often with the original nature of the disease, age, the original chronic disease, the severity of renal damage, early diagnosis and early treatment and dialysis or not, with or without multiple organ failure and complications and other factors. In short, patients with acute renal failure should be carefully treated according to the above principles, as far as possible to prevent the development of irreversible renal failure.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
What are the symptoms of common renal failure?
When the kidney site lesions, often accompanied by the occurrence of renal failure, the great harm of this disease, will cause great harm to patients. Renal failure in bringing physical discomfort at the same time, but also to the patient's mind damage. Experts said: cure kidney failure before the need for symptomatic treatment of its common symptoms, the effect is good, the following we understand the symptoms of renal failure.
Renal failure is a consequence of multiple diseases, not a disease that begins at the beginning. Is a variety of chronic kidney disease development to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state. Renal failure can be divided into acute and chronic, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to kidney blood supply (such as trauma or burns), the kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison damage caused by Acute renal failure. The main cause of chronic renal failure for long-term kidney disease, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.
Renal failure symptoms are more, and mostly systemic symptoms. Patients due to different conditions, the disease will be different, in general, the digestive system has anorexia, nausea, vomiting, mouth with urine odor. Nervous system is tired, headache, dizziness, severe sleepiness, irritability, indifference, convulsions, coma and so on. Cardiovascular system has high blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy, myocarditis, pericarditis, visual impairment, retinal hemorrhage; hematopoietic system has anemia, bleeding tendency. Respiratory system has metabolic acidosis when breathing deep, may have symptoms of pleurisy. Skin itching with pigmentation, water and electrolyte balance disorders. When the kidney damage to a certain extent, the patient's physical changes and symptoms will be very obvious. Renal failure patients will be different.
It can be seen, renal failure patients with more physical symptoms, such as patients with neurological diseases, digestive system symptoms, cardiovascular system symptoms, the patient is caused by a systemic injury. For some of the relevant kidney disease should also pay attention to, actively to be treated to prevent the development of renal failure.
The above is the explanation for the symptoms of renal failure, in order to be able to recover early, the patient must be symptomatic treatment, for these symptoms were medication, of course, medication should also avoid possible adverse reactions between drugs, hope that patients with renal failure can recover , Otherwise, kidney failure disease will bring a lot of patients can not help.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Renal failure is a consequence of multiple diseases, not a disease that begins at the beginning. Is a variety of chronic kidney disease development to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state. Renal failure can be divided into acute and chronic, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to kidney blood supply (such as trauma or burns), the kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison damage caused by Acute renal failure. The main cause of chronic renal failure for long-term kidney disease, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.
Renal failure symptoms are more, and mostly systemic symptoms. Patients due to different conditions, the disease will be different, in general, the digestive system has anorexia, nausea, vomiting, mouth with urine odor. Nervous system is tired, headache, dizziness, severe sleepiness, irritability, indifference, convulsions, coma and so on. Cardiovascular system has high blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy, myocarditis, pericarditis, visual impairment, retinal hemorrhage; hematopoietic system has anemia, bleeding tendency. Respiratory system has metabolic acidosis when breathing deep, may have symptoms of pleurisy. Skin itching with pigmentation, water and electrolyte balance disorders. When the kidney damage to a certain extent, the patient's physical changes and symptoms will be very obvious. Renal failure patients will be different.
It can be seen, renal failure patients with more physical symptoms, such as patients with neurological diseases, digestive system symptoms, cardiovascular system symptoms, the patient is caused by a systemic injury. For some of the relevant kidney disease should also pay attention to, actively to be treated to prevent the development of renal failure.
The above is the explanation for the symptoms of renal failure, in order to be able to recover early, the patient must be symptomatic treatment, for these symptoms were medication, of course, medication should also avoid possible adverse reactions between drugs, hope that patients with renal failure can recover , Otherwise, kidney failure disease will bring a lot of patients can not help.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Renal failure in patients with care should pay attention to what
In the course of any disease treatment, experts will be particularly stressed that the treatment should be done at the same time care, because the two are complementary role, are indispensable. If you are in the treatment, only the adoption of treatment measures, the treatment effect is probably less effective, on the contrary, if you two-pronged approach, it will be significant. So, renal failure patients care should pay attention to what matters?
To pay special attention to rest: data show that people are tired (including sex life caused by kidney surgery), increased metabolic products in the body, increase kidney workload, kidney disease is detrimental, can exacerbate the condition. So work and rest, to avoid fatigue, proper resting beneficial kidney function rehabilitation. Clinically, it is common because of the exacerbations of kidney disease.
Do not indiscriminate medication: some drugs on the kidneys toxic effects, some cases are related to the use of nephrotoxic drugs. So patients can not use their own anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, such as gentamicin, amikacin and other antibiotics, potassium, mercury drugs and traditional Chinese medicine Xanthium, Tripterygium, Cold overheated Chinese medicine.
Adjust the diet to help nutrition: renal failure patients with more malnutrition, and thus should be adjusted in the diet to eggs, milk, lean meat, fresh vegetables and other food is appropriate, and avoid eating "hair" food, such as dog meat, Shrimp, crabs, etc., while smoking cessation. For those who have kidney failure, should use high-quality low-protein diet, appropriate control of protein intake, to reduce the burden on the kidneys, to avoid further deterioration of the disease.
Do not despise the cold: cold is a systemic disease, can reduce immune function, often secondary infection. Cold can increase kidney failure, colds and colds caused by infection can cause about half of the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome. Therefore, in daily life should attach great importance to the prevention of colds and infections.
Above is the authoritative experts for the treatment of renal failure patients with the introduction of renal failure patients in the treatment at the same time, to work and rest, adjust the diet to help nutrition, to prevent malnutrition, etc., or even better treatment to make up Adverse harm caused by improper care.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
To pay special attention to rest: data show that people are tired (including sex life caused by kidney surgery), increased metabolic products in the body, increase kidney workload, kidney disease is detrimental, can exacerbate the condition. So work and rest, to avoid fatigue, proper resting beneficial kidney function rehabilitation. Clinically, it is common because of the exacerbations of kidney disease.
Do not indiscriminate medication: some drugs on the kidneys toxic effects, some cases are related to the use of nephrotoxic drugs. So patients can not use their own anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, such as gentamicin, amikacin and other antibiotics, potassium, mercury drugs and traditional Chinese medicine Xanthium, Tripterygium, Cold overheated Chinese medicine.
Adjust the diet to help nutrition: renal failure patients with more malnutrition, and thus should be adjusted in the diet to eggs, milk, lean meat, fresh vegetables and other food is appropriate, and avoid eating "hair" food, such as dog meat, Shrimp, crabs, etc., while smoking cessation. For those who have kidney failure, should use high-quality low-protein diet, appropriate control of protein intake, to reduce the burden on the kidneys, to avoid further deterioration of the disease.
Do not despise the cold: cold is a systemic disease, can reduce immune function, often secondary infection. Cold can increase kidney failure, colds and colds caused by infection can cause about half of the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome. Therefore, in daily life should attach great importance to the prevention of colds and infections.
Above is the authoritative experts for the treatment of renal failure patients with the introduction of renal failure patients in the treatment at the same time, to work and rest, adjust the diet to help nutrition, to prevent malnutrition, etc., or even better treatment to make up Adverse harm caused by improper care.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Booze makes you suffer from kidney failure
Beer is a very popular drink for men, especially when the weather is hot to eat supper or friends party, will drink a few glasses. However, drinking too much beer on the body harm. Especially those suffering from kidney disease, how to drink beer to increase the burden on the kidney, serious may also lead to kidney failure.
Booze let you go to kidney failure
Beer contains alcohol, alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. While the beer in the beer has a diuretic effect, will increase the burden on the kidneys. At the same time will hurt the liver, liver damage after the toxic substances can not, and very good to further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, and often a lot of beer, uric acid deposition will lead to renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
Prevention of deterioration of renal failure
Once the kidney failure, patients will bring great pain. To prevent the deterioration of the following are the following.
1. In life, patients should prevent infection, especially for the respiratory tract or urinary tract infection is the most common, to prevent infection in order to prevent the deterioration of chronic renal failure has a positive effect.
2. Patients should try to prevent their own blood pressure height, engage in blood pressure is the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but sustained high blood pressure will affect renal function; antihypertensive therapy can improve renal function to varying degrees.
3. In the consumption of drugs, patients should try to avoid harmful substances on the kidneys, and nephrotoxic drugs, such as amino sugar antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
4. Patients should strengthen their understanding of the disease, through some symptoms to determine their own illness, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, excessive diuretic and inadequate intake of water and so on.
5. Patients in the kidney disease diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so that the treatment of renal failure has a very important role.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Booze let you go to kidney failure
Beer contains alcohol, alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. While the beer in the beer has a diuretic effect, will increase the burden on the kidneys. At the same time will hurt the liver, liver damage after the toxic substances can not, and very good to further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, and often a lot of beer, uric acid deposition will lead to renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
Prevention of deterioration of renal failure
Once the kidney failure, patients will bring great pain. To prevent the deterioration of the following are the following.
1. In life, patients should prevent infection, especially for the respiratory tract or urinary tract infection is the most common, to prevent infection in order to prevent the deterioration of chronic renal failure has a positive effect.
2. Patients should try to prevent their own blood pressure height, engage in blood pressure is the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but sustained high blood pressure will affect renal function; antihypertensive therapy can improve renal function to varying degrees.
3. In the consumption of drugs, patients should try to avoid harmful substances on the kidneys, and nephrotoxic drugs, such as amino sugar antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
4. Patients should strengthen their understanding of the disease, through some symptoms to determine their own illness, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, excessive diuretic and inadequate intake of water and so on.
5. Patients in the kidney disease diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so that the treatment of renal failure has a very important role.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Tips on how to control your blood pressure to protect your kidneys
To see if the
kidney is enlarged by B ultrasound ( this is not very common ) ; is glomerular
filtration rate too high ( mostly seen in early diabetic nephropathy with
perfusion and high filtration ) ; and the most common way is to monitor blood
pressure , high blood pressure , renal pressure is not low .
2. How to control
renal pressure and reduce proteinuria ?
Kidney doctors usually take ARB or ACEI anti-hypertensive
drugs to patients , such as Losartan potassium tablets , Irbesartan tablets
and other anti-hypertensive drugs .
3. How much blood
pressure does it hold ?
Blood pressure can not be too low , because the blood
pressure is too low will affect the heart , brain blood supply , the elderly
also prone to orthostatic hypotension . The reason why the elderly diastolic
blood pressure is relatively low , because the elderly are mostly
arteriosclerosis , vascular stiffness , pulse pressure increases . So it’s
mainly about systolic blood pressure .
4. How to measure
blood pressure ?
Early morning blood pressure is convenient for doctors to
adjust anti-hypertensive drugs and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
diseases . Of course , if you feel dizzy and uncomfortable , you can always
measure blood pressure .
The weather is hot , the blood vessels dilate , and the blood
pressure drops , the weather is cold , vasoconstriction , blood pressure tend
to increase . If the renal function is incomplete in 3 and 4 periods , the
blood pressure tends to be higher and higher , and the poor control will affect
the cerebral blood supply and cardiac blood supply , and the renal function
will become worse and worse . At this time , according to the blood pressure ,
under the guidance of the doctor , add calcium antagonist anti-hypertensive
drugs .
6. In what case ,
don’t use ARB/ACEI ?
In the 4 and 5 stage of renal insufficiency , it is necessary
to stop the decoction of Chinese herbal medicine when it is easy to merge
hyperkalemia .
7. Can you control
your blood pressure only by taking medication ?
Salt eats too much and blood pressure is difficult to
control-salt sensitive hypertension ; Fructose eats too much-fructose related
hypertension ; Green vegetables eat too little , coarse grains eat too little ,
blood homocysteine increase - homocysteine hypertension ; Broth , beer , drink
too much , blood uric acid increased , damage the blood vessels , blood
pressure will increase ; Of course , sleeping all night , playing mobile phones
, playing computer games , playing mahjong...... blood pressure is also
difficult to control .
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
How to reduce creatinine?
Early stage of chronic renal insufficiency patients to reduce creatinine is of great importance. Creatinine and urea nitrogen levels reflect renal function in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. The higher the indicators, the more severe the degree of impairment of renal function. In general, the ratio between creatinine and urea nitrogen is about 1:10. Therefore, the cumulative treatment of early kidney disease, reduce creatinine and urea nitrogen is the treatment and prevention of renal function may be the most important means of incomplete stage.
Specifically, how does creatinine fall? First should be based on the cause of the cause. In fact, the increase in renal creatinine is a small cycle of injury, chronic glomerulosclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes. The use of micro-traditional Chinese medicine treatment, mainly to remove the chronic glomerular basement membrane damage caused by immune complexes and lesions, while repairing chronic glomerular basement membrane. As long as the damaged basement membrane repair, change the kidney structure, expanding the chronic glomerular filtration area, creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process, this time must prevent colds, control diet and emotions, do not fatigue , Control blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect the kidney can be. Just notice these, creatinine will come down!
For patients with kidney disease, the increase in creatinine, urea nitrogen is often accompanied by increased, sometimes also seen two separate rise. Creatinine and urea nitrogen are generally kidney function can not complete the two major manifestations of kidney disease and indicators. Under normal circumstances, creatinine increased more than 177umol / l is chronic renal failure, including chronic chronic renal failure and chronic renal failure
The Urea nitrogen is also the main kidney can be damaged, urea nitrogen can not be better from the urine and the concentration in the blood increased, if the pure urea nitrogen, creatinine does not rise, little significance, can be observed. Followed by a small part of chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome patients can also be a transient increase in the situation of elevated glutathione nitrogen, mainly seen in a high degree of edema, due to oliguria to blood urea nitrogen can not be discharged with urine, accumulated in the blood In the cause. If creatinine and urea nitrogen are elevated, treatment and creatinine increased treatment, through the treatment of renal filtration power can be improved, the creatinine decreased, urea nitrogen will also decline.
It is noteworthy that the past is only blindly with diuretics, that urine urea up to the urine will come down, but this is only a temporary solution to the law, and can not fundamentally ease the patient's condition, Moreover, it is affected by various factors , Sometimes there will be false blinded patients. The use of micro-traditional Chinese medicine is to block the renal tissue fibrosis, sclerosis progress, from the fundamental repair damaged kidney function can expand the renal artery, increased damage to the kidneys effective blood perfusion, increased oxygen supply to the kidneys, improve renal microcirculation , Reduce chronic glomerular pressure, promote chronic glomerular repair, damaged lesions of structural changes, work can be restored. Thereby increasing the urine output, so that urea nitrogen from the body discharge, alleviate the common symptoms of poisoning patients.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Specifically, how does creatinine fall? First should be based on the cause of the cause. In fact, the increase in renal creatinine is a small cycle of injury, chronic glomerulosclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes. The use of micro-traditional Chinese medicine treatment, mainly to remove the chronic glomerular basement membrane damage caused by immune complexes and lesions, while repairing chronic glomerular basement membrane. As long as the damaged basement membrane repair, change the kidney structure, expanding the chronic glomerular filtration area, creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process, this time must prevent colds, control diet and emotions, do not fatigue , Control blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect the kidney can be. Just notice these, creatinine will come down!
For patients with kidney disease, the increase in creatinine, urea nitrogen is often accompanied by increased, sometimes also seen two separate rise. Creatinine and urea nitrogen are generally kidney function can not complete the two major manifestations of kidney disease and indicators. Under normal circumstances, creatinine increased more than 177umol / l is chronic renal failure, including chronic chronic renal failure and chronic renal failure
The Urea nitrogen is also the main kidney can be damaged, urea nitrogen can not be better from the urine and the concentration in the blood increased, if the pure urea nitrogen, creatinine does not rise, little significance, can be observed. Followed by a small part of chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome patients can also be a transient increase in the situation of elevated glutathione nitrogen, mainly seen in a high degree of edema, due to oliguria to blood urea nitrogen can not be discharged with urine, accumulated in the blood In the cause. If creatinine and urea nitrogen are elevated, treatment and creatinine increased treatment, through the treatment of renal filtration power can be improved, the creatinine decreased, urea nitrogen will also decline.
It is noteworthy that the past is only blindly with diuretics, that urine urea up to the urine will come down, but this is only a temporary solution to the law, and can not fundamentally ease the patient's condition, Moreover, it is affected by various factors , Sometimes there will be false blinded patients. The use of micro-traditional Chinese medicine is to block the renal tissue fibrosis, sclerosis progress, from the fundamental repair damaged kidney function can expand the renal artery, increased damage to the kidneys effective blood perfusion, increased oxygen supply to the kidneys, improve renal microcirculation , Reduce chronic glomerular pressure, promote chronic glomerular repair, damaged lesions of structural changes, work can be restored. Thereby increasing the urine output, so that urea nitrogen from the body discharge, alleviate the common symptoms of poisoning patients.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you
Often drinking easily lead to kidney failure
Beer is a very popular drink for men, especially when the weather is hot to eat supper or friends party, will drink a few glasses. However, drinking too much beer on the body harm. Especially those suffering from kidney disease, how to drink beer to increase the burden on the kidney, serious may also lead to kidney failure.
Drink too much to let you go to kidney failure
Beer contains alcohol, alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. While the beer in the beer has a diuretic effect, will increase the burden on the kidneys. At the same time will hurt the liver, liver damage after the toxic substances can not, and very good to further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, and often a lot of beer, uric acid deposition will lead to renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
Renal failure patients should follow the following diet principles
1, kidney failure diet treatment must be reasonable, nutrition, in the course of treatment, should also avoid contact with all kinds of allergic foods, to avoid fish, shrimp, crab, pollen, milk and other possible to induce kidney failure diet.
2, for the treatment of renal failure diet, but also pay attention to some taboos of food, such as salty, spicy stimulation, pollution, dyeing barbecue, these foods are can not eat. For renal insufficiency or uremia, beans and their products can not eat, limit the animal class of high egg white food, greasy food.
3, kidney disease if there is no heavy edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly limit water. Because of the decline in renal function, the body of metabolites need more water to be discharged from the kidneys, if the water intake at this time, the body does not go out of metabolites, it will cause clogging, the consequences more serious.
4, a reasonable diet, not a partial eclipse, not picky eaters, to ensure the balance of nutrition. Grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc. can be edible.
5, in order to avoid further deterioration of the condition of renal failure, patients can exercise, enhance their own constitution, improve the individual immunity to various types of infection, to prevent the deterioration of the disease.
6, control of salt, according to the patient's condition and renal function levels to adjust, not so the patients with renal failure should be strictly limited salt.
Drink too much to let you go to kidney failure
Beer contains alcohol, alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. While the beer in the beer has a diuretic effect, will increase the burden on the kidneys. At the same time will hurt the liver, liver damage after the toxic substances can not, and very good to further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, and often a lot of beer, uric acid deposition will lead to renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
Renal failure patients should follow the following diet principles
1, kidney failure diet treatment must be reasonable, nutrition, in the course of treatment, should also avoid contact with all kinds of allergic foods, to avoid fish, shrimp, crab, pollen, milk and other possible to induce kidney failure diet.
2, for the treatment of renal failure diet, but also pay attention to some taboos of food, such as salty, spicy stimulation, pollution, dyeing barbecue, these foods are can not eat. For renal insufficiency or uremia, beans and their products can not eat, limit the animal class of high egg white food, greasy food.
3, kidney disease if there is no heavy edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly limit water. Because of the decline in renal function, the body of metabolites need more water to be discharged from the kidneys, if the water intake at this time, the body does not go out of metabolites, it will cause clogging, the consequences more serious.
4, a reasonable diet, not a partial eclipse, not picky eaters, to ensure the balance of nutrition. Grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc. can be edible.
5, in order to avoid further deterioration of the condition of renal failure, patients can exercise, enhance their own constitution, improve the individual immunity to various types of infection, to prevent the deterioration of the disease.
6, control of salt, according to the patient's condition and renal function levels to adjust, not so the patients with renal failure should be strictly limited salt.
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